Books written by Nick Holland

  • Emily Bronte: A Life in 20 Poems

    The Letters of Charlotte Brontë, Volume 1, p.182. 9 Leeds Times, 23 September 1837. 10 Smith, Margaret (ed.), The Letters of Charlotte Brontë, Volume 1, p.182. 11 Chadwick, Ellis H., In the Footsteps of the Brontës, p.128.

  • In Search of Anne Brontë

    Anne Brontë, the youngest and most enigmatic of the Brontë sisters, remains a bestselling author nearly two centuries after her death.

  • The Real Guy Fawkes

    62-3 18. Sir Walter Ralegh spent thirteen years in the Tower before being pardoned in 1616. It is noteworthy that both Thomas Wintour ... Wagner, John A. and Schmid, Susan Walters, Encyclopedia of Tudor England, Volume 1, pp. 1091-2 14.

  • Crave the Rose: Anne Bronte at 200

    Re-evaluating the legacy of the youngest Brontë sister, on the 200th anniversary of her birth.

  • Aunt Branwell and the Brontë Legacy

    Huntington Library, California Barnard, Louise and Barnard, Robert, A Brontë Encyclopedia, p. 108 Alexander, Christine [Ed.], Tales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal, p. 3 This teapot is now at the Brontë Parsonage Museum, Haworth Hardy ...

  • The Real Guy Fawkes

    Today protesters wear his mask, families burn his effigy, and he is an instantly recognizable name and face. But just who was the real Guy Fawkes? In this new book, we take an exciting look at the flesh and blood person behind the myth.