Books written by Matthias Strecker

  • Rock Art Studies: News of the World V

    The implication of the management of indegenous living heritage: the case study of the Mongomi Wa Kolo rock paintings world heritage site, central Tanzania. South African Archaeological Bulletin 66 (193): 60-66. Campbell, A. and Coulson ...

  • Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3

    Manual de Arte Prehistórico. Ariel Prehistoria: Barcelona. Sanchidrián Tortí, J. L. and Márquez, A. 2003. Radiodataciones y sus repercusiones en el arte prehistórico malagueño. Mainake 25: 275–92. Sanchidrián Tortí, J. L. et al. 2001.

  • Rock Art Studies: News of the World VI

    2012)- the period 2015-2019 was relatively quiet in North American rock art research in terms of publication of inventory ... The authors explore why the earliest rock art traditions in North America -- the Western Archaic Tradition, ...

  • Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3

    This is the third in the five-yearly series of surveys of what is happening in rock art studies around the world. As always, the texts reflect something of the great differences in approach and emphasis that exist in different regions.

  • Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3

    This is the third in the five-yearly series of surveys of what is happening in rock art studies around the world. As always, the texts reflect something of the great differences in approach and emphasis that exist in different regions.

  • Arte rupestre de México oriental y Centro América

    This handbook is the first general and detailed work about the largely unknown rock art of East Mexico and Central America. It includes nine regional studies as well as an...

  • Actas del Primer Simposio Nacional de Arte Rupestre: (Cusco, noviembre 2004)

    Actas del Primer Simposio Nacional de Arte Rupestre: (Cusco, noviembre 2004)