Books written by Jennifer Harman Meadows

  • Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals

    Brown, D. & Bryant, J. (1989). An annotated statistical abstract of communications media in the United States. In J. Salvaggio & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media use in the information age: Emerging patterns of adoption and consumer use.

  • Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals

    Showing no signs of letting up, just one year later, industry growth was described as “spectacular” with revenues up 38% based upon 27% growth in units shipped industry-wide (Davis, 2008a). These numbers represent a compounded annual ...

  • Communication Technology Update

    Time Warner launched their Full Service Network to 4,000 Orlando test households in 1994, and projected that over 750,000 households would subscribe to the system by 1998. Test households could use VOD, IPGs, postal services, ...

  • Communication Technology Update

    Covering recent developments and current issues in communication technology, this volume features 26 chapters on topics like: electronic mass media, computers and consumer electronics, and telephone and satellite electronics.

  • Communication Technology Update

    The latest edition of this review of the state-of-the-art in communication technologies is more comprehensive than ever before.

  • Communication Technology Update

    Modern cable television technology: Video, voice, and data communication. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Collette, L. (2004). Cable telecommunications. In A. E. Grant & J. Meadows, Eds. Communication technology update, 9th edition.