Books written by Nicholas Van Hear

  • Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement

    Rebecca Buxton, Giulia Gonzales, Giorgia Doná, Khachig Tölölyan, Harris Mylonas, Elisabetta Grison, Effie Voutira, Ilka Vari-Lavoisier, Louise Olliff, and many others helped us with critical readings and creative suggestions.

  • Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement

    Combining social science fiction, utopianism, pragmatism, sober analysis and innovative social theory, the authors address one of the biggest dilemmas of our age - how to solve the problems arising from mass displacement.

  • The Migration-development Nexus

    Provides a state of the art overview of current thinking and available evidence on the migration-development nexus, including the role of aid in migrant producing areas and offers evidence and conclusions related to four critical issues - ...

  • New Diasporas

    This book charts the connections between migrations crises and the formation and demise transnational communities, looking at 10 contemporary migration crises around the world, in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Central America and ...