Books written by Claudia Koonz

  • Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics

    Hopmann, Antonie, Luise Bardewer and Anne Franken. Die katholische Frau der Zeit. Dusseldorf: Schwann, 1931. Horst, Max und Richard Hebig, eds., Volk im Glauben. Ein Buch vorn deutschen Christen. Berlin: Schmid, 1933. Howe, Hans Ulrich.

  • The Nazi Conscience

    10 . 80. Walter Tießler , “ Neue Wege der Propaganda , " Unser Wille und Weg 4 ( July 1934 ) : 204-208 . Hugo Ringler , “ Der Redner , der aktivste Träger der nationalsozialistischen Propa84. William Edward Dodd , memo of Sept.

  • Becoming Visible: Women in European History

    Thematic emphases in this text include the contacts between European women and those outside European frontiers, sexuality and its importance for the construction of gender over the centuries, and the...

  • Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics

    From extensive research, including a remarkable interview with the unrepentant chief of Hitler’s Women’s Bureau, this book traces the roles played by women – as followers, victims and resisters – in the rise of Nazism.

  • The Nazi Conscience

    The Nazi conscience is not an oxymoron.