Books written by Lawrence Venuti

  • The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference

    ———(1953a) The House That Nino Built, trans. F.Frenaye, New York: Farrar, Straus and Young. ———(1953b) Mondo Piccolo: Don Camillo e il suo gregge, Milan: Rizzoli. ———(1954) Don Camillo's Dilemma, trans. F.Frenaye, New York: Farrar, ...

  • The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation

    They are published by an impressively broad range of trade, academic, and small presses in the US, UK, and Canada: Bloodaxe, Boyars, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Graywolf, Mosaic, New Directions, Norton, Oberlin, Other, Penguin, ...

  • Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice

    Lowell, R. (1961) Imitations, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Lucarelli, C. (2001) “Quella iena di Bunker non diverrà mai un angelo,” La Stampa Tuttolibri, 8 December, p. 3. Luke, D. (1970) “Introduction,” in T. Mann, Tonio Kröger ...

  • Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology

    The poet's initial empowering vision is of the surface of the sea brilliant with noonday sun : Midi le juste y compose de feux La mer , la mer toujours recommencée ! Before long , however , that vision has been transformed into the ...

  • The Translation Studies Reader

    This text guides the reader through the varying approaches to translation studies in the latter half of the 20th century. Chronologically ordered and divided into clear sections, it collects together key essays, articles and book extracts.

  • Teaching Translation: Programs, courses, pedagogies

    (1989) “Building a Translation, The Reconstruction Business: Poem 145 of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz,” in Schulte and Biguenet (1989), ... (1920) The Garden of Bright Waters: One Hundred and Twenty Asiatic Love Poems, Oxford: Blackwell.

  • The Translation Studies Reader

    L'Hérault, P. (1992) “Ferron l'incertain: du même au mixte,'” in S. Harel (ed.) Enjeux culturels et littéraires, Montréal: XYZ Éditeur, pp. 39–51. –––– (1995) “Entretiens avec Jacques Ferron,” in G. Michaud (ed.) L'autre Ferron ...

  • Translation and Minority: Special Issue of "the Translator"

    The premise of this volume is a question: What can the concept of minority bring to the practice and study of translation?

  • The Translation Studies Reader

    ... in minor languages look abroad for literary resources with the hope of being consecrated when translated into major languages (Casanova 2013 ). But it also occurs because of the proximity of minor literatures to each other. Their shared ...

  • Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice

    The texts, drawn from a broad variety of languages, are both humanistic and pragmatic, encompassing such forms as poems and novels, religious and philosophical works, travel guidebooks and advertisements.

  • Contra Instrumentalism: A Translation Polemic

    Contra Instrumentalism questions the long-accepted notion that translation reproduces or transfers an invariant contained in or caused by the source text.

  • L'invisibilità del traduttore: Una storia della traduzione

    In questo saggio si traccia la storia della traduzione del XVII secolo a oggi.