Books written by Wolfgang Franz

  • Die Knie-Sprechstunde: Alle Therapien von Naturheilkunde bis High-Tech-Medizin

    Für alle Altersgruppen, bei allen Knieproblemen: Ein umfassender Ratgeber mit vielen Beispielen und Experten-Tipps.

  • Labormetrics: Sonderausgabe Heft 5+6/Bd. 228 (2008) Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik

    In the presence of a unit root (this is the null hypothesis), i.e. in the absence of stationarity, ... 5.2 Unit root tests Table 2 reports the results of unit root tests for the unemployment rate and for CPI inflation.

  • Hysteresis Effects in Economic Models

    2 Time Series Evidence of Persistence In the discussion of the persistence behaviour of the unemployment rate, ... the hypothesis of a distinct class of non-stationary models, which include a autoregressive unit root, is tested.

  • Structural Unemployment

    The controversy is far from being settled at the time of this writing. This book contains a collection of hitherto unpublished papers which are devoted to a theoretical and econometric analysis of structural unemployment.

  • Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung: Methoden und Anwendungen

    English summary: This series, edited by the Ottobeuren Seminar on Economics, publishes those papers which are given at the seminars in Ottobeuren. The purpose of these seminars is to...

  • Fusionen

    Papers presented at the 31st Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren held Sept. 16-19, 2001.

  • Structural Unemployment

    The book is devoted to a theoretical and econometric analysis of structural unemployment by making use of the Beveridge curve, i. e., the relationship between unemployment and vacancies.

  • Allgemeine Topologie

    ... Mengenlehre , Leipzig 1914 . 2. F. Hausdorff , Mengenlehre , 3. Ausg . , Berlin 1935 . 3. P. Alexandroff und H. Hopf , Topologie ... Topologie ) , Moskau und Leningrad ... Einführung in die Mengenlehre und die Theorie der reellen Funktionen ...