Books written by Hans Küng

  • Buddhismus und Christentum: Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog

    Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog Michael von Brück, Whalen Lai, Hans Küng ... H. Küng , Projekt Weltethos , München : Piper 1990 ; H. Küng / K. - J . Kuschel ( Hrsg . ) , Erklärung zum Weltethos . Die Deklaration des Parlamentes der ...

  • Disputed Truth: Memoirs

    ... R. 429 Sloyan, G. S. 233 Snow, C. P. 139 Sobanski , Professor 399 Sobrino, J. 328, 406, 512 Socrates 377 Soderblom, N. 337 Sohngen, G. 145 Solzhenitsyn, A. 520 Sommer, E. 462, 486 Sommer, T. 397 185, 259, 311, 434, 517, Sonnenberg, ...

  • Why I am Still a Christian

    What Hans Küng has thought, experienced and expresses in this book will help others in their search for personal values and a sense of direction - and also help them realise the unique value and importance of the Christian way.

  • Christianity and World Religions: Paths of Dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism

    Kung joins with three esteemed colleagues to address the question: "Can we break through the barriers of noncommunication, fear, and mistrust that separate the followers of the world's great religions?"...

  • Het jodendom

    In dit boek behandelt Kung de complexe religieuze en politieke geschiedenis van drieduizend jaar jodendom.

  • Can We Save the Catholic Church?

    Pope Francis has promised reform: radical theologian Hans Küng here presents what Catholics have long been yearning for: modern responses to the challenges of a modern world.

  • What I Believe

    Hans Kung is one of the most celebrated theologians of the present day.

  • Libertad conquistada: memorias

    Sus comienzos auguraban una carrera eclesiástica de primer orden: su formación ante los ojos del papa en la elitista institución romana del Collegium Germanicum, su ordenación sacerdotal en Roma, la sonada tesis doctoral en París, su ...

  • A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics

    " For anyone concerned about the world we are creating, A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics offers equal measures of informed analysis, compassionate foresight, and wise counsel.

  • Religioni, etica mondiale, destinazione dell'uomo

    Religioni, etica mondiale, destinazione dell'uomo

  • Theology for the Third Millennium: An Ecumenical View

    In Theology for the Third Millennium, which culminates thirty years of scholarship, Hans Küng reaffirms the relevance of theology in a modern world where religion is constantly questioned—and frequently attacked.

  • My Struggle for Freedom: A Memoir

    Hans Küng is undoubtedly one of the most important theologians of our time, but he has always been a controversial figure, and as the result of a much-publicized clash over papal infallibility had his permission to teach revoked by the ...

  • Mozart: Traces of Transcendence

    In this book Hans Kung offers an intriguing theological probing into Mozart's musical work. Kung begins by discussing Mozart's Catholic background--something that, surprisingly, has hardly been treated by Mozart scholars.

  • Does God Exist: An Answer For Today

    Does God exist? The question implies another: Who is God? This book is meant to give an answer to both questions and to give reasons for this answer. Does God exist? Yes or no?

  • Islam

    TRE IMPERI ISLAMICI: MOGUL, SAFAWIDI, OTTOMANI All'inizio del XVI secolo – con l'eccezione di alcune regioni islamiche periferiche come il Marocco, l'Asia centrale e l'Indonesia – vi sono tre grandi imperi islamici che subentrano ai ...

  • The Incarnation of God

    This work introduces the English-speaking reader to the theoretical foundations of Kng's popular works; an indispensable prolegomena for every future Christology.

  • Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic

    In 'Global Responsibility', the author offers important new approaches and concludes that: - There can be no peace among the nations without peace among the religions.

  • Does God Exist?: An Answer for Today

    Does God exist? The question implies another: Who is God? This book is meant to give an answer to both questions and to give reasons for this answer. Does God...

  • The Catholic Church: A Short History

    In this extraordinary book, the renowned Hans Kung chronicles the Roman Catholic Church’s role as a world power throughout history.

  • Reforming the Church Today: Keeping Hope Alive

    Reforming the Church Today: Keeping Hope Alive