Books written by Günther Grewendorf

  • Linguistische Berichte Heft 269

    Yang, Yang (2018): The two sides of wh-indeterminates in Mandarin: a prosodic and processing account. Utrecht: LOT. Yang, Yang, Stella Gryllia & Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng (2020): Wh-question or wh-declarative? Prosody makes the difference.

  • Remnant Movement

    This book addresses two crucial problems associated with the phenomenon of Remnant Movement: First, what evidence can be brought to bear in favor of, or opposing, Remnant Movement analyses of linguistic phenomena?

  • Discourse and Grammar: From Sentence Types to Lexical Categories

    Bringing together papers from various subfields of theoretical linguistics, this volume gives a representative glimpse of current research on form and function in grammar.

  • Bavarian Syntax: Contributions to the theory of syntax

    The contributions in this volume investigate and analyze a wide range of topics from Bavarian syntax with the focus on implications for general theoretical questions.

  • Linguistische Berichte Heft 270

    Wegner, Dennis (2019a): The underspecification of past participles. On the identity of passive and perfect(ive) participles. Berlin: de Gruyter. — (2019b): The properties of perfect(ive) and (eventive) passive participles.

  • Ergativity in German

    ... Linksverschachtelung im Deutschen und Norwegischen , Tübingen . Landau , G. , Gleitman , L.R. 1985. Language and Experience . Evidence from the Blind Child , Cambridge , Mass . Lasnik , H. , Saito , M. 1984. “ On the Nature of Proper ...

  • Formal Linguistics and Law

    Günther Grewendorf, Monika Rathert. Berroth, Daniela. 2001. Altersbedingter Mundartgebrauch. Wandel und Kontinui- tät ... Alter, ed. by Fiehler and Thimm, Opladen-Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag. 131–142. Brandt, Wolfgang. 1989. “Grenzen ...

  • Linguistische Berichte Heft 274

    ... Ästhetik des Gemachten . Interdiszipli- näre Beiträge zur Animations- und Comicforschung . Berlin usw .: de Gruyter , 257–283 . Hallsteinsdóttir , Erla ( 2019 ) : Nationale Stereotype und Interkulturalität . Anregungen zur Arbeit mit ...

  • Formal Linguistics and Law

    ... l'incidente non si ripeta. (29) Farò finta di niente, purché l'incidente non si ripeta. (30) Farò finta di niente, sempre che l'incidente non si ripeta. (31) ??Farò finta di niente, nella misura in cui l'incidente non si ripeta. (32) ...