Books written by Dean Irvine

  • Making Canada New: Editing, Modernism, and New Media

    In doing so, the collection reveals that renovating modernisms does not need to depend on the fabrication of completely new modes of scholarship.

  • Translocated Modernisms: Paris and Other Lost Generations

    Susan Stanford Friedman advocates for a “relational, adjectival approach” that she calls “planetary” modernism. This approach “enables recognition of a spatial dimension to modernity's temporality, an interactional set of relations ...

  • Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada

    The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1889–1900. Ed. Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Hillman Waterston. Don Mills: Oxford UP, 2012. ———. The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery: The PEI Years, 1901–1911.

  • Making Canada New: Editing, Modernism, and New Media

    In doing so, the collection reveals that renovating modernisms does not need to depend on the fabrication of completely new modes of scholarship.

  • The Canadian Modernists Meet

    ... The Beribboned Bomb . Recent feminist scholars of Surrealism have emphasized both the movement's inherent antifeminism and the opportunities it paradoxically offered women artists ; see for example Chadwick ( 5 ) and Conley ( 3 ) . 31 ...