Books written by Colin G. Kruse

  • 2 Corinthians

    Egan e.g. Eng. Rapids: Zondervan, 2008) D. A. Carson, From Triumphalism to Maturity: An Exposition of 2 Corinthians 10–13 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984) Catholic Biblical Quarterly Contemporary English Version (1995) confer (Lat.) ...

  • The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians: An Introduction and Commentary

    I4b-16 , i.e. by seeing in these , allusions to the incense burnt in Roman triumphal processions ( for which there is evidence , despite Egan's denial of the same ) . It is this fourth option which is adopted in this commentary .

  • New Testament Models for Ministry, Jesus and Paul

    ... 199 210 , 212 , 216 102–3 , 113 , 150 , 195 , Burton , E. , 203 196 , 197 , 198 , 199 , Egan , R. B. , 208 200 , 201 , 206 , 207 , Caird , G. B. , 167-8 , Ehrhardt , A. , 193 208 , 209 , 211 , 213 221 Ellis , E. E. , 194 , 210 Barth ...

  • Paul's Letter to the Romans

    Paul's Letter to the Romans may well be the most influential book in Christian history.

  • John: An Introduction and Commentary

    Commentaries on the Gospel of John Barrett, C. K. (1978), The Gospel according to St John, 2nd edn (London: SPCK). Beasley-Murray, George R. (1999), John, WBC 36 (Waco, TX: Word). Brown, Raymond E. (1966–1970), The Gospel according to ...

  • The Letters of John

    In this carefully crafted commentary, Peter O'Brien distinctively harvests the results of recent scholarship on the letter to the Hebrews, especially in relation to the genre of the document and the flow of its discourse.

  • Paul's Letter to the Romans

    In this Romans commentary Colin Kruse shows how Paul expounds the gospel against the background of God's sovereign action as creator, judge, and redeemer of the world. --from publisher description.

  • The Gospel According to John: An Introduction and Commentary

    These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means.

  • Paul, the Law, and Justification

    Instead, he takes the loner route of inductive exegesis, allowing each of Paul's letters to speak for itself before attempting a synthesis of Paul's teaching on the law and justification.

  • The Letters of John

    The metaphor of light and darkness is used frequently in the NT and in a variety of ways ( see ' A Note on Light and Darkness ' , pp . 65-66 ) , and in every ... Here the author says , ' God is light ; in him there is no darkness at all ...

  • 2 Corinthians: An Introduction and Commentary

    In this revised edition, Colin Kruse updates and expands his insightful analysis that illuminates Paul's contrast of the old and new covenants and his eloquent exposition of the ministry of reconciliation.

  • Comentariile Tyndale, vol. 4. Ioan

    Colin G. Kruse. În această serie de comentarii Tyndale la Noul Testament, la Editura Scriptum au mai apărut: Matei ... Evrei (volumul 15) Iacov (volumul 16) 1 Petru (volumul 17) 2 Petru şi Iuda (volumul 18) Scrisorile lui Ioan (volumul ...

  • Paul, the Law, and Justification

    Martin Luther drew a strong parallel between the religion of medieval Catholicism and the religion of first-century Judaism against which his hero, Paul, contended. Luther asserted that both taught that...

  • The Gospel According to John: An Introduction and Commentary

    The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series.