Books written by Gene Hill

  • In Praise of Labs: Celebrating the World's Greatest Dog

    If these stories and images don't move you to laughter and tears, then it's clear: youve never known the world's best dog, the Lab.

  • A Listening Walk --and Other Stories

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The story entitled " Some Things Never Change " originally appeared in the Gun Digest Hunting Annual , First Edition ( 1984 ) , copyright © 1983 by DBI Books , Inc. All other stories are reprinted from Field & Stream ...

  • A Hunter's Fireside Book: Tales of Dogs, Ducks, Birds, & Guns

    For decades, Gene Hill’s articles and books have captured the spirit of the outdoors in a way that inspires and entertains millions of readers.

  • Tears & Laughter: A Couple of Dozen Dog Stories

    The author portrays his most memorable hunting dogs and recounts his experiences with them

  • Tears and Laughter: A Couple of Dozen Dog Stories

    In these twenty-six stories, Gene Hill explores the ancient and honored bond between man and dog.

  • Mostly Tailfeathers

    Mostly Tailfeathers

  • In Praise of Labs

    ... love with this most unlovable of dogs . And what's even more astonishing miraculous , even― Pooter fell instantly in love with her . Pooter didn't go with her unwillingly . No , you could almost hear Pooter begging , “ Gray - haired old ...

  • Hill Country

    "This volume, which takes its title from Gene Hill's celebrated monthly Field & stream column of reminiscences, observations, and anecdotes of the outdoors, brings together a generous collection of his finest reflections on the hunting and ...

  • Outdoor Yarns and Outright Lies

    Presents more than fifty short stories and sketches filled with humor and the joys of the outdoors, from hunting and fishing trips to hiking and walks with the dog.