Books written by Philip R. Davies

  • The Damascus Covenant: An Interpretation of the 'Damascus Document'

    Chr.,' JSJ 11 (1980), 135-176, has criticised in detail Stegemann's thesis that the 'teacher of righteousness' was the Zadokite predecessor of Jonathan. 40 The argument offered by Stegemann is as curious as it is improbable.

  • Rethinking Biblical Scholarship: Changing Perspectives 4

    Starbuck, S. 2003. “Why Declare the Things Forbidden? Classroom Integration of Ancient Near ... Tanzer, S. 2005. “Response to George Nickelsburg”. ... London: Jonathan Cape. Tigchelaar, E. 1996. Prophets of Old and The Day of the End: ...

  • The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed

    Talmon, S. (1988), Gesellschaft und Literatur in der Hebräischen Bibel, 3 vols, Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag. ... —(1999), The Bible in History: How Writers Create a Past, London: Jonathan Cape. Thompson, T. L. and P. Wajdebaum (eds) ...

  • The Old Testament World

    For narrative is really a vehicle of communication that knows no boundaries of form or imagination , of length , scope ... On Jonah , Jonathan Magonet , Form and Meaning : Studies in Literary Techniques in the Book of Jonah ( Bible and ...

  • On the Origins of Judaism

    ... Negotiating Empires Vadim S. Jigoulov Biblical Resistance Caribbean Context Oral A. W. Thomas Three Versions of ... Aichele Surpassing the Love of Two Women: The Love of David and Jonathan in Text and Interpretation James Harding.

  • Opening the Books of Moses

    Knoppers, Gary N. 1996. 'Ancient Near Eastern Royal Grants and the Davidic Covenant: A Parallel?' Journal of the American Oriental Society 116.4: 670–97. — 2001. 'An Achaemenid Imperial Authorization of the Torah in Yehud?

  • Rethinking Biblical Scholarship: Changing Perspectives 4

    Stern, M. 89, 91, 118 Stone, M. E. 184 Stuckenbruck, L. T. 173 Sundberg, A. 209 Sweeney, M.A. 92, 96, 126 Taber, C. R. 209 Tcherikover, V. 119 Thompson, T. L. 64, 118 Torrey, C. C. 61, 89, 136 Tov, E. 208 Towner, S. 166 VanderKam, ...

  • A Word in Season: Essays in Honour of William McKane

    This volume assembles essays and article written by scholars who have a close connection with William McKane, a dedicated scholar of the Hebrew Bible.

  • In Search of "Ancient Israel": A Study in Biblical Origins

    The appearance in 1992 of 'In Search of Ancient Israel' generated a still raging controversy about the historical reality of what biblical scholars call 'Ancient Israel'.

  • In Search of 'Ancient Israel': A Study in Biblical Origins

    As such, in this volume Philip R. Davies challenges the whole spectrum of scholarly consensus about the origins of 'Israel' and its scriptures, in a manner that is both learned and accessible.

  • Second Temple Studies III: Studies in Politics, Class, and Material Culture

    This volume offers a systematic approach to the Persian, Ptolemaic, Seleucid and Hasmonean period, correlating social contexts with the biblical and post-biblical literature that each period generated.

  • Surface Chemistry and Catalysis

    Exciting results are still emerging from the many research groups working in this fertile area and the book is an excellent stimulus to researchers at the start of the 21st century."--BOOK JACKET.

  • Copper Scroll Studies

    14 INCL USIO AND SYMBOLIC GEOGRAPHY IN THE COPPER SCROLL Ruth Fidler The notions here entitled Inclusio and Symbolic ... The book by R. Feather (The Copper Scroll Decoded: One Man 's Search for the Fabulous Treasures of Ancient Egypt ...

  • The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States

    The Origins of the Ancient Israelite States

  • Memories of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to Biblical History - Ancient and Modern

    This text is an incisive critique of and alternative proposal to these approaches to biblical history.

  • The Old Testament World

    ... Testament Interpretation in Honour of Ronald E. Clement ( JSOTSup , 300 ; Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press ) : 116-26 . Das Image der Nomaden im Alten Israel und in der Ikonographie seiner sesshaften Nachbarn ( OBO , 197 ; Freiburg ...

  • Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew Scriptures

    This series employs sophisticated methods resulting in original contributions that depict the reality of the people behind the Hebrew Bible and interprets these insights for a wide variety of readers.

  • The World of Genesis: Persons, Places, Perspectives

    Although it opens with an argument that the earth, and not humanity, is the real subject of Genesis 1-11, this collection of essays focuses first on female personalities in Genesis (Eve, Hagar, Rebeccah, Tamar and the four tribal ...

  • The Bible in Human Society: Essays in Honour of John Rogerson

    ... Testament in Fiction and Film : On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow ( The Biblical Seminar , 24 ; Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press , 1994 ) . See also Bernard Brandon Scott , Hollywood Dreams and Biblical Stories ( Minneapolis ...

  • Second Temple Studies III: Studies in Politics, Class and Material Culture

    This volume offers a systematic approach to the Persian, Ptolemaic, Seleucid and Hasmonean period, correlating social contexts with the biblical and post-biblical literature that each period generated.