Books written by Judith Bray

  • Unlocking Land Law

    Books Aldridge, T, Commonhold Law (Sweet & Maxwell, 2002). Clarke, D, Clarke on Commonhold (Jordans Publishing, 2002). Law Commission Report 'Commonhold and Leasehold Reform: Draft Bill and Consultation Paper' (2000).

  • A Student's Guide to Equity and Trusts

    IRC [1960] AC 1 The appellants were bare trustees acting on behalf of Mr Hunter. In 1949 he created six settlements in favour of his five grandchildren and one for his future grandchildren. In February 1955 he transferred 18,000 shares ...

  • Equity and Trusts

    2.4.5 Grey v IRC [1960] AC 1 HL Key Facts In 1949 the settlor Mr Hunter transferred shares of nominal amounts to trustees on trust for his six grandchildren. In 1955 the settlor transferred 18,000 £1 shares to the same trustees upon ...

  • Key Cases: Equity & Trusts

    Key Facts In 1949 the settlor Mr Hunter transferred shares of nominal amounts to trustees on trust for his six grandchildren. In 1955 the settlor transferred 18,000 £1 shares to the same trustees upon trust for himself.

  • Unlocking Land Law

    Finch and Others v Hall [2013] All ER (D) 92 Four siblings had been left property by their parents. The trust deed stated that all decisions should be made by a majority and further if the property was to be sold then all should be in ...

  • Unlocking Land Law

    Finch and Others v Hall [2013] All ER (D) 92 Four siblings had been left property by their parents. The trust deed stated that all decisions should be made by a majority and further if the property was to be sold then all should be in ...

  • Equity and Trusts

    This book explains the facts and associated case law for: • The nature of a trust, the creation of express private trusts and purpose trusts • Constitution of trusts • Types of trust: secret, protective and discretionary, resulting ...

  • Land Law

    This book explains the facts and associated case law for: The definition of land The registered land system Co-ownership Express, resulting and constructive trusts in land Leases Key rights in land such as easements and covenants Mortgages ...

  • Unlocking Land Law

    This edition has been extensively rewritten and updated to include discussion of recent changes and developments within the module.

  • Key Facts Land Law, BRI

    Registration of title RIGHTS lN REGISTERED LAND 4.1 Features of registration of title 1. The system of. Alteration: Q Can be made by the Registrar or the court. 0 Includes correction of mistakes: i) bringing the register up to date; ...

  • Key Cases: Equity & Trusts

    Jones v Lock (1865) Loose conversation does not show the intention to create a trust Paul v Constance (1977) Intention to create a trust can be shown without using the word trust so long as there is intention to be bound Re Kayford ...

  • A Student's Guide to Equity and Trusts

    Brings Equity and Trusts to life for students of all abilities with clearly explained principles and simple, practical examples.

  • Equity and Trusts

    This book explains the facts and associated case law for: • The nature of a trust, the creation of express private trusts and purpose trusts • Constitution of trusts • Types of trust: secret, protective and discretionary, resulting ...

  • Unlocking Land Law

    The information is clearly presented in a logical structure and the following features support learning helping you to advance with confidence: Clear learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter set out the skills and knowledge you ...

  • Unlocking Land Law

    The information is clearly presented in a logical structure and the following features support learning helping you to advance with confidence: Clear learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter set out the skills and knowledge you ...

  • Unlocking Land Law, Third Edition

    This third edition of Unlocking Land Law is fully up-to-date with the latest changes in the law and now includes discussion of home information packs (HiPs), the move towards e-conveyancing, developments in proprietary estoppel, and all the ...

  • Unlocking Land Law Second Edition

    Plenty of cases for citation, quotations and journal extracts are provided to illustrate and expand upon the text.

  • Land Law

    This book explains the facts and associated case law for: The definition of land The registered land system Co-ownership Express, resulting and constructive trusts in land Leases Key rights in land such as easements and covenants Mortgages ...

  • Unlocking Land Law, Third Edition

    ... the informal acquisition of rights in property. According to Fry J, it involved satisfying five requirements, or probanda as they were known. 1. The claimant must have made a mistake about his legal rights over land belonging to another ...

  • Key Cases Land Law, Second Edition

    Judith Bray. PREFACE. The Key Cases series is designed to give a clear understanding of important cases. This is useful when studying a new topic and invaluable as a revision aid. Each case is broken down into fact and law. In addition, ...