Books written by Tony Storey

  • English Legal System Directions

    In Customs and Excise Comrs v Top Ten Promotions Ltd [1969] 1 WLR 1163 Lord Upjohn said (at p.1171): [i]t is highly dangerous, if not impossible, to attempt to place an accurate definition on a word in common use; you can look up ...

  • English Legal System

    However, this answer was inconsistent with that given in Anderton v Ryan [1985] AC 560, which had been decided by the House of Lords only the previous year. The House of Lords departed from its decision in Anderton v Ryan on the basis ...

  • English Legal System

    The House of Lords departed from its decision in Anderton v Ryan on the basis that the decision was wrong. Lord Bridge, although recognising the need for certainty in criminal law, felt that it was permissible to depart from the ...

  • Criminal Law

    ... 409 Rook [1993] 2 All ER 955 314, 317, 318 Rostron and Collinson [2003] EWCA Crim 2206 177, 180 Rossiter [1994] 2 All ER 752 93, 225 Ryan [1967] 40 ALJR 488 18, 261, 263 Ryan [1996] Crim LR 320 198, 199, 205 Saik [2006] UKHL 18; ...

  • Criminal Law

    However, in Matthews and Alleyne (2003), the Court of Appeal upheld two murder convictions despite the fact that the trial judge had equated foresight of a virtually certain consequence with intention. The trial judge had told the jury ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    Newman, C., 'Racially aggravated public order offence: motivation of racial remark an absence of a victim' (2009) 173 JP 88. Newman, C., 'Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986: the threshold of extreme protest' (2012) 76 J Crim L 105.

  • English Legal System

    'English Legal System' is written in an engaging and lively manner with an emphasis on explaining the key principles of the English legal system with clarity.

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    Dytham (1979) QB 722 D, a police officer, was on duty near a nightclub at about 1 am. ... even where there was no pre-existing legal duty on D (A Ashworth, 'The Scope of Criminal student mentor tip “A good way to study causation and ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    481 Smith (Thomas) [1959] 2 QB 35 ... 53, 54,58, 60 Smith [1974] 1 All ER 632 ... 563, 564 Smith [1979] Crim LR 251 ... 37, 40, 41 Smith and Jones [1976] 3 All ER 54... 504,505, 506, 531,611 Smith and others [2011] EWCA Crim 66 .

  • Unlocking Criminal Law, Third Edition

    Manyof the activity centreshave climbing walls. The board of directors hasnever issued any directions about safety or thelevelof supervision for theuseof these climbing walls. At one ofthe centres there have been no maintenance checks ...

  • Unlocking EU Law

    This book is essential reading for students studying EU Law on undergraduate courses in the UK. The UNLOCKING THE LAW series is designed specifically to make the law accessible.

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    lien A right to retain an article in one's possession Turner left his car at a garage for repairs. It was agreed that he would pay for the repairs when he collected the car after the repairs had been completed.

  • Unlocking Criminal Law, Third Edition

    lien A right to retain an article in one's possession Turner (No 2) [1971] 2 All ER 441 Turner left his car at a garage for repairs. It was agreed that he would pay for the repairs when he collected the car after the repairs had been ...

  • Unlocking EU Law

    Unlocking EU Law

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    CASE EXAMPLE Pace and Rogers [2014] EWCA Crim 186 Martin Pace (P) worked at a scrap yard in Oxford owned by Simon Rogers (R) and his father. Local police undertook an investigation into scrap metal dealers, using undercover officers to ...

  • English Legal System

    In 'Lurking Doubt and the Safety of Convictions'[2006] Crim LR809, Leigh explained that 'to set aside averdict upon which a jury could properly arrive where there is no apparent flaw in the case strikes at the heart of the ...

  • Unlocking EU Law

    ... 149, 150, 152, 169, 490, 492, 531, 532,535 (Case C–48/75) Royer [1976] ECR 497 219, 257,260 (Case C–104/75) De Peijper [1976] ECR 613 392,395 (Case C–111/75) Mazzalai [1976] ECR 65797 (Case C–118/75) Italy v Watson and ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    However, if a thief pulls a shoulder bag so that it slides off the victim's shoulder, would this be considered force? ... Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 then this created the nonsense that a court could theoretically ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    Plenty of cases for citation, quotations and journal extracts are provided to illustrate and expand upon the text.

  • Unlocking Criminal Law Second Edition

    Unlocking the Law is the groundbreaking series of textbooks with a unique approach to the study of law.