Books written by Linda Williams

  • Contemporary American Cinema

    ... Bush policies on terrorism , and 1980s was dominated by the conser servative , Robert McNamara's role in the Vietnam War . anti - communist policies of Ronald Reagan Films and filmmakers of the 1980s played a ( 1980–88 ) .

  • Trauma and Memory

    ... 260 , 262 McLean , P. D. , 233 McLeer , S. V. , 6 McLeod , J. D. , 150 , 158 McMahon , P. P. , 320 , 323 McNally , R. J. , 6 , 48 , 311 , 312 , 316 , 317 McNamara , R. K. , 248 McNaughton , B. L. , 260 McNaughton , N. , 248 McNeilly ...

  • Trauma and Memory

    ... 306 Slade , P.D. , 128 Slater , P. C. , 219 Sloan , P. , 209 Smiljanich , K. , 339 Smith , C. , 334 Smith , E. , 8 , 23 , 176 , 179 , 208 , 212 , 234 Smith , E. M. , 190 Smith , I. , 223 Smith , K. D. , 115 Smolak , L. , 128 Smucker ...

  • Screen Ecologies: Art, Media, and the Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region

    Age. au/environment/fates-conspire-to-concoct-a-recipe-for-disaster-20110111-19mp7.html (accessed January 8, 2014). Smith, Terry. 2011a. Contemporary Art World Currents. London: Laurence King. Smith, Terry. 2011b.

  • Die Linke und der Sex: Klassische Texte zum wichtigsten Thema

    Die Überwindung von autoritären Formen der Kindererziehung und monogamen, eheähnlichen Zweierbeziehungen war immer wieder integraler Bestandteil utopischer Gesellschaftsentwürfe auf Seiten der politischen Linken.

  • Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "frenzy of the Visible"

    In Kristin Thompson's terms, this means the narrative is told implicitly through the systematic combination of film devices building one on another (Bordwell, Staiger, and Thompson 1985, 174). In Am Abend and A Free Ride (and to a ...

  • A Special Ballerina

    Miss Reed called over the music . “ Bend ! Arms out ! Plié ! Arabesque ! Bend and stop ! ” Barbie was right . Ballet was hard work . When the class was over , Miss Reed clapped her hands and the music stopped .

  • Earth Science Demystified

    ( a ) James Hutton ( b ) Evan Hunt ( c ) Charles Darwin ( d ) Alexander Fleming 12 . ... scale to measure earthquake strength was developed by ( a ) B. McKenna Hunt ( b ) C. S. Lewis ( c ) Charles F. Richter ( d ) Stephen F. Smolen 17.

  • Partner Violence: A Comprehensive Review of 20 Years of Research

    ... 19 , 20 Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test ( MAST ) , 40 Miller , B. A. , 26 , 40 Miller , P. C. , 46 , 197 Miller ... R. , 197 , 209n.1 Morrow , S. L. , 164 , 169 , 178 , 181 Morse , B. J. , 8 , 31 Munson , K. , 51 , 54 Murphy ...

  • Chemistry Demystified

    Alkenes are numbered using the following IUPAC rules : ( a ) The base molecule name comes from the longest chain that contains the double bond . ( So if the longest chain has 4 carbons , the base name would be butene . ) ...

  • Nanotechnology Demystified

    In Figure 5-2, you can see that a peptide linkage connecting amino acids has a hydrogen bond donor—the nitrogen-hydrogen single bond group—and a hydrogen bond acceptor—the carbon-oxygen double bond group. The extra carbons in a protein ...

  • 5 Steps to a 5 AP Environmental Science, 2014-2015 Edition

    (A) Robert Rhodes (B) Marie Curie (C) Stephen Petkoff (D) Alice Screws (E) Richard Brannon Chapter18 53. C—Sick building syndrome increases health problems and results. Chapter 15 41. 42. 43. 44. Which of the following does the United ...

  • Screen Ecologies: Art, Media, and the Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region

    We need to deal with “the environment” as a representational category, as well as with the environment as ... have tackled this issue by engaging notions of the social construction of technology (SCOT) (as developed in Bijker, Hughes ...

  • Henry Hippo Stories

    Henry Hippo Stories

  • Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the "Frenzy of the Visible", Expanded Edition

    See Money shot Eleven , 147 Ellis , Havelock , 86 Ellis , John , 286n7 Ellis , Kate , 27 , 229 , 284n 13 Ellis , Richard , 85 , 89-90 Ellsworth , Elizabeth , 295n3 End of Obscenity ( Rembar 364 Index.

  • Screening Sex

    By understanding screening sex as both revelation and concealment, Williams has written the definitive study of sex at the movies. Linda Williams is Professor of Film Studies and Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Nursery Crimes: Sexual Abuse in Day Care

    Nursery Crimes: Sexual Abuse in Day Care seeks to determine whether day care is a high risk environment.

  • Elsewhere

    Can two remarkable people overcome supernatural forces beyond their control?

  • The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

    But one autumn night, while walking in the woods, the little old lady heard . . . CLOMP, CLOMP, SHAKE, SHAKE, CLAP, CLAP. And the little old lady who was not afraid of anything had the scare of her life!

  • Computers

    A guide to careers in the computer industry that do not require a four-year degree, such as computer salesperson, computer operator, and telecommunications technician.