Books written by Helen Reece

  • Divorcing Responsibly

    ... 'Feminism and Communitarianism: Comparing Critiques of Liberalism', above n 33; Frazer and Lacey, above n 25; G Parry, 'Paths to Citizenship' in Vogel and Moran, above n 26, 180; Gutmann, above n 23, 308; Etzioni, above n 22, 40; ...

  • Science in Court

    ... K. Chesebro, 'Galileo's Retort: Peter Huber's Junk Scholarship' (1993) 42 American University Law Review 1637, and M. Rustad, T. Koenig et ai, 'The Supreme Court and Junk Social Science: Selective Distortion in Amicus Briefs' (1993) ...

  • Science in Court

    67 Carson has argued that the codes have had the opposite effect, creating trial by expert, with the court as 'quality auditors': D. Carson, 'Expert Evidence in the Courts' (1992) 1 Expert Evidence 13; D. Carson, 'A Role in Preventing ...

  • Divorcing Responsibly

    ... 1992) 75; Dewar, above n 125; Smart and Neale, above n 15, 4; Purdy, above n 106; J Eekelaar, Family Law and Social Policy 2nd edn (London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984) 43; Glendon, above n 19, 108; Finch and Mason, above n 21.

  • Law in Society: Reflections on Children, Family, Culture and Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Michael Freeman

    Parkinson, P. and Cashmore, J., The Voice of a Child in Family Law Disputes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). Perez-Vera, E., “Explanatory Report”, in Hague Conference on Private International Law, Acts and Documents of the 14th.

  • Law and Science

    This essay aims to energize the debate about expert witness testimony in England and Wales through a comparative analysis of the admissibility of scientific evidence in Canadian criminal cases . An indirect approach to our topic partly ...