Books written by Nicholas Tapp

  • Heinemann Atlas

    The unique features of the Heinemann Atlas components let students use their atlas more often and with more confidence.

  • Culture and Customs of the Hmong

    See Vang, C.K., Yang, and Smalley 1990, and Smalley, Vang, and Yang 1990. 3. Johnson 1992, xv. 4. Bertrais 1985 and 1992; Giacchino-Baker 1995; Johnson 1992; Livo and Cha 1991; Numrich 1985; Vang and Lewis 1990. 5. Graham 1954. 6.

  • The Hmong of China: Context, Agency, and the Imaginary

    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press . Miles , Douglas 1972 ' Land , Labour and Kin Groups among Southeast Asian Shifting Cultivators ' , Mankind 8 . -1976 ' Prophylactic Medicine and Kin Unit among Yao Ancestor Worshippers ' ...

  • The Impossibility of Self: An Essay on the Hmong Diaspora

    Robbins, Bruce 1998 'Introduction Part I: Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism', in Cosmopolitics: thinking and feeling beyond the nation, ed. Pheng Cheah, Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis and London. University of Minnesota Press.

  • The Hmong of Australia: Culture and Diaspora

    The Hmong are among Australia's newest immigrant populations. They came as refugees from Laos after the communist revolution of 1975 ended their life there as highland shifting cultivators.

  • The Hmong of China: Context, Angency, and the Imaginary

    The book is enhanced with thorough accounts of ceremonies, rituals, and folktales, with translations of Hmong songs and stories. This publication has also been published in hardback (no longer available).

  • Culture and Customs of the Hmong

    Resource Scarcity and the Hmong Response: Patterns of Settlement and Economy in Transition. Singapore: National University of Singapore, 1984. ———. The Hmong: A Guide to Current Lifestyles. Singapore: Times Editions, 1998.

  • Multicultural China: A Statistical Yearbook (2014)

    This is intended to help readers to conduct time-series comparisons and analyses. With its easy-to-use format, this book provides a collection of annual data on China’s 56 ethnic groups.

  • Tracks and Traces: Thailand and the Work of Andrew Turton

    This volume traces the threads that tie together an understanding of Thailand as a dynamic and rapidly changing society, through an examination of the work of one major scholar of the country, Andrew Turton.