Books written by Philip James

  • Urban Ecology: An Introduction

    2003). Tall herb vegetation, typical of graded rubble sites between 2 and 6 years old, supports a larger abundance and richness of such species. Succession progresses rapidly, turning to a grassy sward within 10 to 15.

  • The Biology of Urban Environments

    Hodgson (1986) pointed out that not all angiosperms are equally equipped to exploit the range of habitats in urban areas. Hodgson examined the polycarpic perennials (that is to say, those plants that live for a number of years and ...

  • Benjamin Atkins

    As soon as Benjamin picked up the phone, Neal began to shout until his voice became like a heap of heated coal in a tin pail on Benjamin's head. It sounded like a resonating ringing sound until Neal's tone changed to a sharp pitch when ...

  • Urban Ecology: An Introduction

    OrtizZamora, D. and OrtegaGuerrero A. (2010) 'Evolution of longterm land subsidence near Mexico City: review, ... D.L., Loss, S.G., Goodwin, P., Hart, D.D., Hassett, B., Kondolf, G.M., Lave, R., Meyer, J.L., O'Donnell, T.K., Pagano, ...

  • Adolescents and Substance Use

    Kelleher C, Christie R, Lalor K, et al. An Overview of New Psychoactive Substances and the Outlets Supplying Them. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs; 2011. Long J. Conference on psychoactive drugs sold in head shops and ...

  • Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications

    The book concludes with a discussion of the applications of urban ecology to land-use planning.

  • Voluntary Organizations and Public Service Delivery

    BIBLIOGRAPHY Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO). (2010). Full Cost Recovery. Available at Accessed 10 November 2010. ATA Management. (2006).

  • Voluntary Organisations and Public Service Delivery

    This volume draws together a team of expert contributors to explore how the process of outsourcing is impacting the internal and external labour markets of voluntary organisations, and the implications for the policy objectives underlying ...

  • Urban Ecology: An Introduction

    The texts sets out the science that underlies the changing natural scene and the management tools used to ensure that cities become both capable of adapting to climate change and more beautiful and more resilient places in which to live.

  • The Biology of Urban Environments

    ... Public Health Significance of Urban Pests, pp. 303–46. World Health Organization Europe, Copenhagen. Glossary of Meteorology (2012). Meteorology Glossary. American Meteorological Society ...

  • Urban Ecology: An Introduction

    This text provides the student and the practitioner with a critical scientific overview of urban ecology that will be a key source of data and ideas for studies and for sound urban management.