Books written by Rachel Wise

  • A Level Playing Field

    I imagined another headline: Martone and Lawrence: A Modern-Day Woodward and Bernstein! Woodward and Bernstein were the famous journalists who reported some illegal stuff President Nixon was doing in the 1970s. Nixon ended up resigning ...

  • Cast Your Ballot!

    ... Woodward and Bernstein in here!” I giggled CAST YOUR BALLOT!

  • Breaking News

    Mr. Trigg likes to give the best articles to his dream team, his “Woodward and Bernstein,” as he calls Michael Lawrence and me, after the Washington Post's legendary reporting duo. I'm not sure we'll ever get behind the scenes at the ...

  • Late Edition

    BErnStEin! Shortly after the phone call from Michael, I fired off an e-mail to Mr. Trigg, asking if our sleep article could go to file and be replaced by something from the file. Then I e-mailed Mr. Dunleavy to see if we could set a ...

  • Black and White and Gray All Over

    Sam needs some serious advice when a new staff member competes for newspaper bylines—and for her crush’s attention.

  • Building Confidence and Improving Behavior in Children: A Guide for Parents and Teachers

    Written by a dedicated school psychologist and licensed behavioral specialist with more than 20 years experience working with families, schools, and communities, this guide includes: -Research- and experience-based strategies to help your ...

  • Read All About It!

    ... and polished up a few other things, then I sent it to Michael and also posted a copy to the Voice's server so I could work on it there tomorrow. ... “Mr. Lawrence, qu olly goo deo evidence is deadline 6 READ ALL ABOUT IT! 161.

  • Everyone's a Critic

    Samantha has mixed feelings when she has the opportunity to review the school play for the newspaper and feels the lead actress did not perform well.

  • Stop the Presses!

    printing plates, and the presses in action. It was, like, the coolest thing ever. I mean, I love the rush of writing a story for the paper on a deadline, but actually seeing the story being printed? Totally cool.

  • Stop the Presses!

    Delighted by her middle school's efforts to promote green initiatives, Sam is dismayed when her best friend, Hailey, suggests that the school transition Sam's beloved newspaper to an online-only format. Simultaneous.

  • Late Edition

    ... cc you when I send it to Trigger later.” “Hopefully not much later!” he said. “Thanks.” I was still LATE EDITION 141.

  • Late Edition

    Sam's stress level is at an all-time high, and it's affecting the quality of her Dear Know-It-All column--and her bedtime!

  • A Level Playing Field

    A middle-school star reporter has a tough time taking a stance on a story when her cowriter is also her crush.

  • Texting 1, 2, 3

    “I don't know how you just stop texting. It's crazy.” I guess it was kind of an addiction. The more you texted, the more you needed to text. I still hadn't seen Michael. After lunch I couldn't stand it anymore.

  • Cast Your Ballot!

    Supporting a handsome and articulate candidate for class president, school newspaper reporter Samantha Martone struggles to stay objective while following her teacher's advice to continue her campaign research, which reveals surprising ...

  • Set the Record Straight!

    Includes a sneak peak of "A level playing field."

  • Breaking News

    "A school statue has been destroyed, and it's up to star reporter Sam Martone to figure out who's to blame.

  • Read All About It!

    ... all the pieces fall into place. Good luck to you and your friend, and the person you both like. I hope it all works out for the best. Your friend, Dear Know-It-All I finished reading and I looked up at Hailey. “Wow.” READ ALL ABOUT IT! 167.

  • Breaking News

    But then Sam’s supercrush (and writing partner) Michael Lawrence admits he knows the culprit…and it’s his friend…and it was an accident. Sam is shocked—and stumped. Should she keep quiet or report the story?

  • Old Story, New Twist

    Samantha struggles to follow her own advice when writing a column for the school newspaper reveals a hidden desire.