Books written by Kevin J. Gaston

  • The Structure and Dynamics of Geographic Ranges

    Kavanagh , K. and Kellman , M. ( 1986 ) . Performance of Tsuga canadensis ( L. ) Carr . at the centre and northern edge of its range : a comparison . Journal of Biogeography , 13 , 145-157 . Kavanaugh , D. H. ( 1979a ) .

  • The Structure and Dynamics of Geographic Ranges

    ... by foraging time Kellner and Green (1995) Dandova et al. (1998) St Clair and Gregory (1990) Standing et al. (1997), Mockford et al. (1999) Sexton et al. (1992) Bost and Jouventin (1991) Pienkowski (I984) Marti (1997) Rolstad et al.

  • Biodiversity: An Introduction

    Morenta, J., Stefanescu, C., Massuti, E., Morales-Nin, B. & Lloris, D. (1998) Fish community structure and depth-related ... Myers, N. & Kent, J. (1998) Perverse Subsidies: Tax $s Undercutting our Economics and Environments Alike.

  • Urban Ecology

    This is the urban century in which, for the first time, the majority of people live in towns and cities.

  • Urban Ecology

    This is the urban century in which, for the first time, the majority of people live in towns and cities.

  • Biodiversity: An Introduction

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ARTWORK This concise introductory text provides a complete overview of biodiversity - what it is, how it arose, its distribution, why it is important, human impact upon it, and what should be done to maintain it.

  • The Structure and Dynamics of Geographic Ranges

    Both in a pure and applied context, ecologists need a broader perspective on their subject matter than has historically prevailed. This book provides one such perspective.

  • Urban Ecology

    Development and use of landscape indices (e.g. size and shape of various habitat patches) to characterize and quantify urban ... In the following section, we summarize information about anthropogenic urban habitats that have special ...

  • Urban Ecology

    ... green networks into planning policy. The government's response to the recommendations in this report arrived the same year in Living Places - Cleaner, Safer, Greener (ODPM 2002b). This acknowledged the need for a clearer management ...