Books written by Mark Horton

  • For Love Or Money: The Life of a Bridge Journalist

    WEST Horton NORTH Alder EAST Senior SOUTH Wallis 20 dbl 49 50 all pass To defeat five diamonds South must find the spade switch before his second trump trick is knocked out . Wallis started with his singleton club , which went to the ...

  • The Swahili: The Social Landscape of a Mercantile Society

    This wide-ranging volume integrates documentary sources and contemporary archaeological evidence to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date account of Swahili history, anthropology, language and culture.

  • The Hands of Time: The Best 100 Bridge Deals Ever Played

    The six players at the time were Walter Avarelli , Giorgio Belladonna , Eugenio Chiaradia , Massimo d'Alelio , Pietro Forquet and Guglielmo Siniscalco ; several of them were to remain key members of the Squadra Azzurra for the next ...

  • Misplay These Hands with Me

    a - These articles were written for amusement , deliberately aping the style of the great man himself ... Reese wrote that a player who attempts to reconstruct the unseen hands is one in a thousand — and on many of the deals in this ...

  • Better Signalling Now

    This text takes readers through the modern options in terms of defensive signalling, and allows them to construct a system that suits their own style.

  • The Complete Book of Bols Bridge Tips

    The BOLS Bridge Tips competition started in 1974, and took place off and on for more than 20 years. During that time, virtually all the world's greatest writers and players contributed their ideas to the series.

  • The Rabbi's Rules: Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Bridge Game

    The Rabbi's Rules: Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Bridge Game