Books written by Steven S. Skiena

  • The Data Science Design Manual

    This effect size can be measured by: d = (|μ − μ|)/σ. A reasonable threshold for a small effect size is > 0.2, medium effect > 0.5, and large effect size > 0.8. • Pearson's correlation coefficient r: Measures the degree of linear ...

  • Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win

    A story of using computer simulations and mathematical modeling techniques to predict the outcome of jai-alai matches and bet on them successfully.

  • The Algorithm Design Manual: Text

    This point can be selected by p by generating the x and y coordinates independently , at random . ... From there are accessible pLab [ Lee94 ] and DIEHARD , systems for testing the quality of random number generators .

  • The Algorithm Design Manual

    This is a great way to learn how to identify hundreds of problem types." (Steve Yegge, Get that Job at Google) "Steven Skiena’s Algorithm Design Manual retains its title as the best and most comprehensive practical algorithm guide to help ...

  • The Data Science Design Manual

    Practitioners in these and related fields will find this book perfect for self-study as well.

  • 算法设计手册

    本书揭密了算法的设计与分析, 介绍了各种算法技术, 着重强调了算法分析, 全书包括两大部分, "技术"部分介绍了设计和分析计算机算法的各种方法.

  • Who's Bigger?: Where Historical Figures Really Rank

    Data-driven rankings of thousands of history's most significant people in science, politics, entertainment, and all areas of human endeavor.