Books written by J. Andrew Dearman

  • NIVAC Bundle 4: Major Prophets

    Egypt has been an unstable support, a “staff of reed” to Judah. The term “staff of reed” is an oxymoron: A staff needs to be strong and reliable to support the weight placed on it, while a reed is by definition something thin and ...

  • Introducing the Old Testament

    Throughout these discussions—of the Torah, the historical books, the prophets, and the poetry—Hubbard and Dearman also identify and trace key theological themes." --

  • Introducing the Old Testament

    This book introduces readers to the context, composition, and message of the Old Testament. Maps, illustrations, sidebars, discussion questions, and suggestions for further reading are also provided.

  • Jeremiah, Lamentations

    ... John H. Walton Matthew, Michael J. Wilkins Exodus, Peter Enns Mark, David E. Garland Leviticus/Numbers, ... Scott Hafemann 1-2 Chronicles, Andrew E. Hill Galatians, Scot McKnight Ezra/Nehemiah, Douglas J. Green Ephesians, ...

  • Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives

    Part of the Essentials of Biblical Studies series, this volume presents readers with an overview of exegesis by mainly focusing on a self-contained narrative tobe read alongside the text.

  • The Book of Hosea

    Isaiah records the consternation evoked in Jerusalem and among the house of David by the aggressive alliance. ... See Stuart A. Irvine, Isaiah, Ahaz, and the Syro-Ephraimitic Crisis (SBLDS 123; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990), ...

  • Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives

    ENTRY POINTS FOR READING NARRATIVES IN THE HB We have sketched several points of entry—what we can also call basic methods of approach—for engaging narratives in the HB. We start by examining the literary properties of an account.

  • The Land that I Will Show You: Essays on the History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honor...

    Cf. W. Riley, King and Cultus in Chronicles: Worship and the Reinterpretation of History (JSOTSup, 160; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993). Temples in antiquity were established by royal orders. The second temple was established by the orders ...

  • The Book of Hosea

    This historical and theological commentary is a welcome addition to the NICOT series.

  • Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives

    Part of the Essentials of Biblical Studies series, this volume presents readers with an overview of exegesis by mainly focusing on a self-contained narrative to be read alongside the text.