Books written by Terry O'Connor

  • Land and People: Papers in Memory of John G. Evans

    1990, 246–50 Bell, M. & Walker, M.J.C. 2005. Late Quaternary Environmental Change; physical and human perspectives. London: Pearson Education Bell, M., Fowler,P.J. &Hillson, S.W. (eds),1996. The ExperimentalEarthworkProject1960–92.

  • The Archaeology of Animal Bones

    'Communal bison hunters of the Northern Plains', in L.B. Davies & B.O.K. Reeves (eds) Hunters of the recent past. London, Unwin Hyman One World Archaeology, 168-94 Reher, C.A. & Prison, G.C. 1980. 'The Vore site, 48CK302, a stratified ...

  • Animals as Neighbors: The Past and Present of Commensal Animals

    Saunders, G.R., M. N.Gentle,andC. R. Dickman. 2010.The impacts and management offoxes Vulpesvulpesin Australia. MammalReview40(3): 181–211. Schwarz, E.,andH.K.Schwarz.1943.Thewild andcommensalstocksofthehousemouseMusmusculus Linnaeus.

  • Biosphere to Lithosphere: new studies in vertebrate taphonomy

    Miller, N. 1984. The use of dung as fuel: an ethnographic example and an archaeological application. Paléorient 2, 71–79. Miller, N. and Gleason, K. 1994. Fertilizer in the identification and Analysis of Cultivated Soil.

  • The Archaeology of Animal Bones

    This is a fascinating introduction for anyone seeking to understand how these bones can shed light on our knowledge of the past, as well as the complex relationship between human and animals.

  • Environmental Archaeology: Principles and Methods

    An illustrated survey of the scientific techniques used in archaeology to analyse ancient human environments. It discusses the impression left on the environment by early human activity, emphasising the relevance...