Books written by Jonathan Gabe

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Phillips, D.R. and Verhasselt, Y. (1994a) 'Introduction', in D.R. Phillips andY. Verhasselt (eds), Health and Development. London: Routledge. Phillips, D.R. and Verhasselt, Y. (1994b) 'Health and development: retrospect and prospect', ...

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    '4O '00 C C L (D .|_: .|_: (U Q ... childhood neglect and abuse in deprived family settings have been associated with a range of poor health outcomes, both physical (Leserman et al., 1996) and mental (Bifulco and Moran, 1998).

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Clarke, A.E., Mamo, L., Fishman, J.R., Shim, J.K. and Fosket, J.R. (2003) 'Biomedicalization: techno- scientific transformations of health, illness, and US biomedicine', American Sociological Review, 68: 161–94.

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Fran Baum ( 1998 ) , in tracing the emergence of the NPH in Australia , outlines six eras of dominant policy and ideology : ( 1 ) indigenous control over health in the pre - colonial era ; ( 2 ) the colonial era ( with its focus on ...

  • Health and the Sociology of Emotions

    This new book covers four main areas: Theory, Methodology, Social Construction, and Change.

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Drawing on international literature and examples, this new edition of Key Concepts in Medical Sociology: · Systematically explains the concepts that have preoccupied medical sociology from its inception, and which have shaped the field as ...

  • Pharmaceuticals and Society: Critical Discourses and Debates

    As we have seen, Prozac is not Herceptin and depression is not cancer. ... Notes 1 We by no means attribute the rise in antidepressant use merely to higher rates of depression. ... Karp, D. (2006) Is it Me or my Meds? Living with ...

  • The New Sociology of the Health Service

    Mooney, G. and Scott, G. (eds) (2005) Exploring Social Policy in the 'New' Scotland, Bristol: Policy Press. Mooney, G. and Williams, C. (2006) 'Forging new “ways of life”? Social policy and nation building in devolved Scotland and ...

  • The New Sociology of the Health Service

    Brown, N. and Webster, A. (2004) New Medical Technologies and Society. Reordering life, Cambridge: Polity. Bulmer, M. (1989) 'Theory and method in recent British sociology: whither the empirical impulse?', British Journal of Sociology, ...

  • Health and Illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe

    Le culture dei bambini. Bologna: Il Mulino. Corsaro, W. (2012). Interpretive reproduction in children's play. American Journal of Play, 4(4), 488–504. Diasio, N. (2013). La valeur heuristique des corps enfantins.

  • The Sociology of Health and Illness: A Reader

    In Staten Island , another New York City borough , a landfill worker tracked down the health status of his workmates when ... At the scientific level lay - involved surveys are sometimes well - crafted researches with defendable data .

  • The Sociology of Health and Illness: A Reader

    A wide-ranging collection of both classic writings and more recent articles in the sociology of health and illness, this reader is organized into the following sections: * health beliefs and knowledge * inequalities and patterning of health ...

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Drawing on international literature and examples, this new edition of Key Concepts in Medical Sociology - Systematically explains the concepts that have preoccupied medical sociologists from its inception, and which have shaped the field as ...

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Written in each case, by experienced and respected experts in the subject area, the books are indispensable study aids and guides to comprehension.

  • The Sociology of the Health Service

    Hospital admission rates for appendicitis varied threefold between Welsh districts (West and Carey 1978); regional treatment rates for endstage renal failure varied by twofold (Dowie 1984) and a smaller rate of variation was observed ...

  • Health, Medicine and Society: Key Theories, Future Agendas

    Taking as its point of departure recent developments in health and social theory Health, Medicine and Society brings together a range of eminent, international scholars to reflect upon key issues at the turn of the century.

  • Health, Medicine and Society: Key Theories, Future Agendas

    ... health status 54, 56 and race 6–7, 67–86 medicine 148–9, 270–1 see also psychiatry men 6, 28, 64, 159, 161–2, 320, 321–2 see also gender meso-level analyses 14, 237, 238, 244–6 meta-theory, habitus and 73–7 metaphor 146–8, 152–3 micro ...

  • The Sociology of the Health Service

    The Sociology of the Health Service responds directly to the need to develop a sociological analysis of current health policy.

  • The Sociology of Health and Illness: A Reader

    A wide-ranging collection of both classic writings and more recent articles in the sociology of health and illness, this reader is organized into the following sections: * health beliefs and knowledge * inequalities and patterning of health ...

  • Health and Illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe

    Health and illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe discusses the impact of neoliberalism on public health and the social construction of health and illness in Europe, analysing case studies at a European and national level.