Books written by Helen Chapman

  • Fun and Games

    Action Numeracy takes a structured approach to teaching and learning numeracy in the middle primary classroom. It incorporates direct instruction, strategy instruction, and student-centred inquiry learning through action-based tasks.

  • 101 Cool Science Experiments

    Science experiments you can do in your own kitchen using everyday things like vinegar, string, eggs and paper.

  • Trapped

    Rapid Reading can treble the rate of reading progress

  • Communication

    Action Numeracy takes a structured approach to teaching and learning numeracy in the middle primary classroom. It incorporates direct instruction, strategy instruction, and student-centred inquiry learning through action-based tasks.

  • Rapid Stage 6: Extreme Fear

    Rapid Reading is the UK's most comprehensive reading intervention programme. The books and unique speech-recognition software are guaranteed to motivate children with SEN and struggling readers at Key Stage 2 (1st/2nd Level)

  • Rapid Stage 6: Assessment Book

    Rapid Reading is the UK's most comprehensive reading intervention programme. The books and unique speech-recognition software are guaranteed to motivate children with SEN and struggling readers at Key Stage 2 (1st/2nd Level)

  • Shapes and Scapes

    Action Numeracy takes a structured approach to teaching and learning numeracy in the middle primary classroom. It incorporates direct instruction, strategy instruction, and student-centred inquiry learning through action-based tasks.

  • The Letters of Catherine Helen Spence

    The Letters of Catherine Helen Spence

  • The Art of Maths

    Action Numeracy takes a structured approach to teaching and learning numeracy in the middle primary classroom. It incorporates direct instruction, strategy instruction, and student-centred inquiry learning through action-based tasks.

  • When Maps Go Bad

    These books have been created to continue developing reading skills for early readers who have now progressed beyond simply fluency reading level.

  • What Animal Is That?

    What Animal Is That?

  • Free Time

    Free Time

  • Local Community Events

    Covering subjects from the Humanities curriculum the Mac Australia Topics books combine brilliant photography and visual literacy elements with authoritative text matched to students reading ability.

  • Alien in the outfield

    Alien in the outfield

  • Me and My Family: Civics and Citizenship Lower Level

    Covering subjects from the Humanities curriculum the Mac Australia Topics books combine brilliant photography and visual literacy elements with authoritative text matched to students reading ability.

  • A Citizens' Jury

    Covering subjects from the Humanities curriculum the Mac Australia Topics books combine brilliant photography and visual literacy elements with authoritative text matched to students reading ability.Text Type: Information ReportReading Ages ...

  • Wrecked!: Shipping Disasters

    Single book in an 18-title series of paired fiction and nonfiction books and computer activities designed to motivate reluctant readers.

  • The Wild Snow Dog

    Rebecca and her brother search for a wild snow dog that allegedly rescued children from a burning bus. However, soon the children need rescuing themselves.

  • Starter Pack

    Rapid Reading can treble the rate of reading progress.

  • Grandpa's First Year at School

    Covering subjects from the Humanities curriculum the Mac Australia Topics books combine brilliant photography and visual literacy elements with authoritative text matched to students reading ability.Reading Level: 12Text Type: Information ...