Books written by Charles E. Carraher Jr.

  • Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Ninth Edition

    14.4.6 BRiNELL HARDNESS Here, a steel ball is pushed against the flat surface of the test specimen. The standard test uses a ball of specific size pushed against the test surface with a given force. 14.4.7 ROCKWELL HARDNESS Rockwell ...

  • Industrial Biotechnological Polymers

    REFERENCES 1 R. Duncan , L. W. Seymour , K. B. O'Hare , P. A. Flanagan , S. Wedge , I. C. Hume , K. Ulbrich , J. Strohalm , V. Sabr , F. Spreafico , M. Grandi , M. Ripamonti , M. Farao and A. ... 7 Y. Ohya , H. Kobayashi and T. Ouchi .

  • Seymour/Carraher's Polymer Chemistry: Sixth Edition

    Silverstein, R. M., Bassler, G. C. (1997): Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 6th ed., Wiley, New York. Smith, C. (2002): Pocket Handbook of Polymers and Other Macromolecules Instrumental Techniques for Analytical ...

  • Polymer Applications of Renewable-Resource Materials

    One of the most promising is peanut hull flour. When used in a phenolic resin, peanut hull flour, which is high in lignin content, had lower water absorption than wood flourl2. Also, peanut hulls are an abundant waste product (350,000 ...

  • Metal-Containing Polymeric Systems

    1 l!. 15. 16. Present address : Radian Co. P. O. Box 9948 850 1 Mo Pac Blvd., Austin, TX 78766 H. P. Furth, Sci. American, 241, 50–61 (1979). R. J. Nuckolls, L. Wood, A. Thiessen and G. Zimmerman, Nature 239, 139 (1972).

  • Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Ninth Edition

    Most of the advancements in communication, computers, medicine, and air and water purity are linked to macromolecules and a fundamental understanding of the principles that govern their behavior. These fundamentals...

  • Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Eighth Edition

    Environmental impact assessment (EIA): An assessment of the possible impact that a project or material may have on the natural environment. Filament: The individual extrudate emerging from the holes in a spinneret; forms fibers.

  • Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Fourth Edition

    With an emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and materials, this fourth edition continues to provide detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules, inorganic and organic polymers, elastomers, adhesives, coatings, ...

  • Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Tenth Edition

    Providing a user-friendly approach to the world of polymeric materials, the book allows students to integrate their chemical knowledge and establish a connection between fundamental and applied chemical information.

  • Inorganic and Metal-Containing Polymeric Materials

    Ruthenium-containing complexes have been studied as enzyme "mimic" models for chlorophyll and hemoglobin. Several ruthenium bipyridine-containing polymers have been prepared for the purpose of solar energy conversion (12-15).

  • Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Third Edition

    Oyama, S. T. (2008): Mechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis, Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Pain, C. F. (1993): Proceedings Worldwide Metallocene Conference (Met Con '93), Catalyst Consultant Inc., ...

  • Introduction to Polymer Chemistry

    Cheng, S. (2008): Phase Transitions in Polymers: The Role of Metastable States, Elsevier, NY. Ellis, B. (2008): Polymers: A Property Database, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Flory, P. J. (1953): Principles of Polymer Chemistry, ...

  • Carraher's Polymer Chemistry

    Campbell, D., Pethrick, R., White, J. R. 2000. Polymer Characterization: Physical Techniques, 2nd Ed., Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham, UK. Cheng, S. 2008. Phase Transitions in Polymers: The Role of Metastable States ...

  • Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Second Edition

    Inorganic polymers are also extensively employed as abrasives and cutting materials [diamond, boron carbide, silicon carbide (carborundum), aluminum oxide], coatings, flame retardants, building and construction materials (window glass, ...

  • Structure—Property Relationships in Polymers

    But right after this comes the question: What have I made, and for what is it good? This leads to the important topic of the structure-property relations to which this book is devoted.

  • Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Third Edition

    ... science and polymers involves natural polymers. Our bodies are largely composed of polymers: DNA, RNA, proteins, and ... synthetic polymers. There is available sufficient natural material to supply both food and polymer needs. When plant ...

  • Polymer Modification

    Proceedings of an ACS-PMSE Division Symposium held in Orlando, Florida, August 21-25, 1996