Books written by Catherine E. Clifford

  • Decoding Vatican II Interpretation and Ongoing Reception

    Interpretation and Ongoing Reception Catherine E. Clifford ... CatholicTheology (Oxford: OxfordUP, 2012),and Jürgen Mettepenningen, Nouvelle théologie—New Theology: Inheritor ofModernism, Precursor ofVatican II(London: T&T Clark, 2010).

  • Keys to the Council: Unlocking the Teaching of Vatican II

    There is a danger of missing the forest for the trees. With this in mind, Keys to the Council identifies twenty key conciliar passages, central texts that help us appreciate the Vision of the council fathers.

  • The Groupe Des Dombes: A Dialogue of Conversion

    This book explores the unique and substantial contribution to reflection on conversion and Christian unity by the Groupe des Dombes, a Reformed-Lutheran-Catholic dialogue in French-speaking Europe.

  • Le pape

    En 25 questions et réponses, les auteurs apportent un éclairage sur les questions théologiques, canoniques et historiques liées au ministère du pape.

  • A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity

    He confirmed me in my vocation to the common life and to pray for the unity of the church. (. ... in the intercession for the church of Christ in Saturday evening prayer, and may He unite us all 100 A CENTURY OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II

    The council fathers agreed that the Church is Christ with all the People of God, among whom a few are ordained as bishops, ... of Taizé had published a scholarly and very balanced account, Mary, Mother of the Lord, Figure of the Church.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II

    The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II is a rich source of information and reflections on many aspects of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), one of the most significant religious events of the twentieth century.