Books written by Richard W. Mansbach

  • Challenges for America in the Middle East

    When the Sykes-Picot Agreement became public it seemed a betrayal of the commitments made by Sir Henry McMahon, Britain's high commissioner in Egypt, in letters to Hussein. McMahon had declared that, while taking account of French ...

  • Globalization: The Return of Borders to a Borderless World?

    21 Hedetoft and Blum, “Introduction: Russia and Globalization – A Historical and Conceptual Framework,” 1. 22 Mikhail Troitsky, “Going 'Relativistic': The Changing Vision of 'Just International Order' in Russian Foreign Policy,” in Blum ...

  • Challenges for America in the Middle East

    Secretary Kerry and Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, aided by a crash program at America's nuclear laboratories to estimate how rapidly Iran's nuclear centrifuges could enrich uranium,55 contended that any ...

  • Challenges for America in the Middle East

    Secretary Kerry and Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, aided by a crash program at America's nuclear laboratories to estimate how rapidly Iran's nuclear centrifuges could enrich uranium,55 contended that any ...

  • In Search of Theory: A New Paradigm for Global Politics

    A New Paradigm for Global Politics Richard W. Mansbach, John A. Vasquez ... 523 Downs , Anthony , 114 , 495 , 497 Cartright , Dorwin , 506 Draper , Theodore , 473n Cassady , Ralph , Jr. , 293n Driver , M. J. , 511 Chamberlain , Frank P.

  • Introduction to Global Politics

    The most memorable of the British campaigns to drive the Ottoman Turks from the Middle East was directed by T. E. Lawrence, perhaps better known as Lawrence of Arabia. Starting in Mecca, Lawrence successfully instigated the “Arab ...

  • The Global Puzzle: Issues and Actors in World Politics

    Thus , John A. Vasquez combines variables from the second and third clusters when he concludes : “ In the modern state system one of the main sets of factors that brings about war among equals is the rise of territorial disputes ...

  • Introduction to Global Politics

    ... June 7, 2010, southiasia/8725140.stm. Glenn R. Simpson, "Multinational Companies Unite to Fight Bribery," Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2005, A2, A8. Cited in Alexander de Conde, Richard Dean Burns, ...

  • Introduction to International Relations

    The final descent to war The combustible combination of nationalism, ethnicity, andterritorial rivalryinthe Balkans sparkedthefinal crisis that broughton war– theassassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand andhis duchess during a ...

  • Introduction to Global Politics

    Key updates for this edition: New chapter on 'The causes of war and the changing nature of violence in global politics' New chapter on 'Technology and global politics' Enhanced coverage of theory including post-positivist theories Uses ...

  • Introduction to International Relations

    A few smashed store windows and started fires. Officials ordered the streets cleared and established a no-protest ... 16. What is globalization? Globalization consists of those processes that knit. 743 16 Globalization: The new frontier.

  • Remapping Global Politics: History's Revenge and Future Shock

    Rosenau examines “ multiple contradictions ” and anomalies in global politics in his work on “ a new and wide political space " that he terms " the domestic - foreign frontier " : The international system is less commanding , but it is ...

  • Globalization: The Return of Borders to a Borderless World?

    Rosenau, Along the Domestic–Foreign Frontier, 81. Emphasis added. 123. Sassen, “The Places and Spaces of the Global,” 79. 124. Roger Keil, “Globalization Makes States: Perspectives of Local Governance in the Age of the World City,” ...

  • Introducing Globalization: Analysis and Readings

    In addition to numerous articles, Rhodes is the author of Power and MADness: The Logic of Nuclear Coercion and coauthor of Presence, Prevention, and Persuasion: A Historical Analysis of Military Force and Political Influence.

  • Global Politics in a Changing World: A Reader

    Covering all players in the modern global political scene, topics in the text range from international companies and intergovernmental organizations to traditional states and terrorist organizations.

  • Global Politics in a Changing World: A Reader

    Each chapter is framed by an brief essay at the beginning and a series of topics for consideration at the close. This technique creates a context for the reading and provides a starting point for class discussions.

  • Global Politics in a Changing World: A Reader

    This collection of classic writings and current events articles from journalistic sources illuminates the central issues in the study of international relations while familiarizing students with contemporary actors and debates...

  • Introduction to Global Politics

    This comprehensive introduction to global politics adopts an historical approach which explains to students the background to key contemporary issues.

  • A World of Polities: Essays on Global Politics

    This collection contains some of their classic essays and many unpublished articles which have been edited into a coherent and stimulating collection.

  • Structure and Process in International Politics

    Structure and Process in International Politics