Books written by Robert F. Young

  • The 16th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®: 77 Modern and Classic Science Fiction Stories

    "Here is the 16th volume of the Science Fiction MEGAPACK® series...mammoth collections of well-formatted books and stories assembled for your reading pleasure (and always bargain priced).

  • The House That Time Forgot

    Elizabeth's romance with Matthew Pearson, a one-sided affair at first, with one party penning inspired imagery and the other party totally unaware of the affair's existence, kindled suddenly into a full-fledge flame.

  • The 40th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK®: Robert F. Young (vol. 1)

    (HAMLET: Act II, Scene 2) It was a country of blue lakes—the Misseros d'n Gaedo region of Altair 12 . There were little lakes and big lakes and middle-sized lakes scattered like sapphire dewdrops over a tableland verdant with forest .

  • Black Cat Weekly #2

    e fact that I'd seen Karen Lunt tripping gaily out of the pol‐ished granite façade of the Commonwealth Trust Building in K Street meant absolutely nothing to me at the time. Every‐body one knows in Alexandria spends most of the time in ...

  • Science Fiction Gems, Volume 17, Raymond Z. Gallun and Others

    Here's the lineup:THE MAN WHO COLLECTED WOMEN, By Randall GarrettMOON DANCE, By Wallace WestTHE GUTHRIE METHOD, By Raymond Z. GallunTHE PLAINS OF ST. AUGUSTINE, By Lee CorreyTHE METEOR MINERS, By L A. EshbachPRISONERS OF EARTH, By Robert F. ...

  • Infinity Science Fiction, June 1957

    A replica of the June 1957 issue of INFINITY SCIENCE FICTION digest magazine featuring THE BAND PLAYED ON by Lester del Rey, PILGRIMS' PROJECT by Robert F. Young, THE NIGHT OF NO MOON by H. B. Fyfe, AGE OF ANXIETY by Robert Silverberg, ...

  • The 48th Golden Age of Science Ficton MEGAPACK®: Robert F. Young, Vol. 2

    The Thubway Tham Mystery MEGAPACK® The True Crime MEGAPACK® The Victorian Mystery MEGAPACK® >The Second Victorian ... Christmas MEGAPACK® The Charles Dickens Christmas MEGAPACK® The Classic American Short Stories MEGAPACK®, Vol. 1.

  • Star Mother

    "Star Mother", by American science fiction author Robert F. Young, is a touching story of the most enduring love in all eternity.

  • The Girl in His Mind

    ... mind, and this he also succeeded in doing. It was inevitable that Trevor should write a book about his discovery and ... mind-world at will, his niche in the Freudian hall of fame was assured. The method employed an ability that had been ...

  • Audience Reaction

    But such stories make good reading nonetheless, and can be delightfully unpleasant as in the present instance. Robert F. Young was a Hugo nominated author known for his lyrical and sentimental prose.

  • A Glass of Stars

    A Glass of Stars

  • Let there be Night

    ... let the people live and prosper on his flesh provided they never kept their activities concealed from his watchful eyes and provided they could live and prosper without sin, which was defined as any act detrimental to the dignity of the ...

  • The Forest of Unreason

    The hoof-marks were on the opposite bank. Robert F. Young was a Hugo nominated author known for his lyrical and sentimental prose.