Books written by Michael

  • Internationales Universitäts-Handbuch

    Internationales Universitäts-Handbuch

  • Orthopedic Clinical Examination

    Laslett M, Oberg B, Aprill CN, McDonald B. Centralization as a predictor of provocation discography results in chronic low back pain, and the influence of disability and distress on diagnostic power. Spine J. 2005;5(4):370380.

  • Exploring the World of Social Policy: An International Approach

    Global in its canvas and comparative in its method, this book systematically explores the economic, political, and social contexts of social policy before taking a detailed look at its associated institutions and fields of practice.

  • Apostle of the Crucified Lord

    ... Circus Bridge C a m p u s M a r t Baths i u s F l a m i n a P in cian Hill O L D t a Pantheon Palace of Augustus O of Nero Palace of Tiberius H ill L D Military Ampitheater Hippodrome Claudian CircusMaximus AU S Baths of Agrippa ill ...

  • Michael's Cast of Characters: A Not-so-serious Guide to the Michael Teachings


  • Social Psychology: Conflicts And Continuities: Conflicts and Continuities : an Introductory Textbook

    The researchers had been bothered by the reports of the murder of Kitty Genovese. Thirty-eight people witnessed her being stabbed to death but not one of them tried to help directly or by calling the police.

  • Perioperative Medicine E-Book: Managing for Outcome

    89. Curet MJ, Vogt DA, Schob O, et al. Effects of CO2 pneumoperitoneum in pregnant ewes. J Surg Res. 1996;63:339–344. 90. Barnard JM, Chaffin D, Droste S, et al. Fetal response to carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in the pregnant ewe.

  • Study Guide

    Reproduced by Pearson Addison - Wesley from electronic files supplied by author . Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education , Inc. Publishing as Pearson Addison - Wesley , 75 Arlington Street , Boston , MA 02116 All rights reserved .

  • El lado oscuro del adiós

    Michael Connelly es uno de los escritores con más éxito en el mundo. Ha sido galardonado con algunos de los premios más prestigiosos de la literatura negra.

  • Noche sagrada

    Renée Ballard, la mujer policía que conocimos en Sesión nocturna —del mismo autor Michael Connelly—, sigue trabajando en el turno de noche y, en una ocasión, al regresar a la comisaría de Hollywood de madrugada se encuentra a un ...

  • Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind: Fourth International Student Edition

    The table of contents and the chapters themselves have been reorganized to improve the logical flow of the narrative, and the world renowned author team has kept the book fully up to date on the latest research in this fast moving field.

  • Cognitive Neuroscience: Fifth International Student Edition

    Written by world-renowned researchers, including Michael Gazzaniga, Cognitive Neuroscience remains the gold standard in its field, showcasing the latest discoveries and clinical applications.

  • Principios de aprendizaje y conducta

    En este libro de fácil lectura, Michael Domjan guía al lector a través de los principios básicos del aprendizaje, desde lo simple a lo más complejo de los paradigmas, conceptos y teoría.

  • Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: Fifth Edition 1 Volume

    Streamlined chapters, innovative pedagogy, and NEW scholarship, with expanded coverage of environmental history, make the Fifth Edition the most accessible and relevant yet.

  • Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: Fifth Edition Volume 2

    Streamlined chapters, innovative pedagogy, and NEW scholarship, with expanded coverage of environmental history, make the Fifth Edition the most accessible and relevant yet.

  • Inquiry Into Life 16e

    The text now represents one of the cornerstones of introductory biology education and was founded on the belief that teaching science from a human perspective, coupled with human applications, makes the material more relevant to the student ...

  • Sport Nutrition-3rd Edition

    Casey, A., D. Constantin-Teodosiu, S. Howell, E. Hultman, and P.L. Greenhaff. 1996. Creatine ingestion favorably affects performance and muscle metabolism during maximal exercise in humans. Am J Physiol 271 (1 Pt 1): E31-E37.

  • Deceptions

    "You cannot speak to me this — " "My taxes pay your salary, Mrs. Casey; you work for me. Please let me finish. As long as I am Penny's mother, I intend to do all I can to help her feel good about herself. I want her to feel confident ...

  • Contemporary American Cinema

    Christine Geraghty argues that contemporary female stardom is more likely to be inflected by life factors than work factors, partly because women in Hollywood do not command the same career power as their male counterparts [movies ...

  • Technoscience And Everyday Life: The Complex Simplicities of the Mundane

    Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22, 13–26. Law, J. and Urry, ... Layton, D., Jenkins, E., MacGill, S. and Davey, A. (1993) Inarticulate Science? ... Lie, M. and Sorensen, K.H. (1996) Making technology our own?