Books written by Michael

  • Trusting on the edge: Managing uncertainty and vulnerability in the midst of serious mental health problems

    Schout, G., De Jong, G. and Zeelen, J. (2010) 'Establishing contact and gaining trust: an exploratory study of care avoidance'. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(2): 324–33. Schrank, B., Stanghellini, G. and Slade, M. (2008) 'Hope in ...

  • New Functional Training for Sports-2nd Edition

    The enhanced e-book edition of New Functional Training for Sports, Second Edition, produces the best results on the court, field, track, and mat, not just in the weight room.

  • Acadia


  • Human Exceptionality: School, Community, and Family

    This text's unique lifespan approach combines powerful research, evidence-based practices, and inspiring stories, engendering passion and empathy and enhancing the lives of individuals with exceptionalities.

  • Spravedlnost: Co je správné dělat

    A kritizoval prezidenta George W. Bushe za to, že Američany nevyzval k jakékoli formě sdílené oběti. ... službu národu tak, že studentům bude nabídnuta pomoc se zaplacením poplatků na vysoké škole výměnou za sto hodin veřejné služby.

  • Úvod do obecné fonetiky

    Příkladem aproximant jsou hlásky [w lj]. Artikulace (articulation). Modifikace tvaru vokálního traktu. ... V češtině se ve spojení dost hodin [dozd ɦoɟɪn] na konci slova dost vyslovuje [zd] vzhledem ke znělosti počátečního ...

  • Clarissa Schmidt Inglis: Time Lost, Time Regained

    Clarissa Schmidt Inglis: Time Lost, Time Regained

  • Marriage and Family 101: Three Plays

    Three plays by G. Michael Blahnik are collected into a single package.In What God Has Joined, three blood-related couples manifest the contemporary condition of the institution of marriage in a way that is at the same time deep and moving ...

  • The Essential Vygotsky

    The presence of a human - like intellect combined with the absence of human - like speech — and the independence of intellectual operations from speech — are the basic findings of Kohler's research on the anthropoid apes that are ...

  • Photon upconversion heterostructures made from surface-anchored metal-organic frameworks

    This Coulomb exchange mechanism is described 1948 by Förster and involved the experimental measurement of the energy transfer from fluorescin molecules to chlorophyll-a molecules.[18] It is commonly referred to as Förster resonance ...

  • The Evidence for Phantom Hitch-Hikers: An Objective Survey of the Vanishing Passenger from Urban Myths to Actual Events

    Situated about three miles southwest of Frome, the small but picturesque Somersetshire village of Nunney offers many attractions to summer visitors. Several, like the impressively-battered castle, have a definite publicity value,1 but ...

  • Managing Good Governance In Higher Education

    Palfreyman, D. (1998) 'The law of meetings' in Palfreyman, D. and Warner, D. Higher Education and the Law. Buckingham: Open University Press. Plender, J. (2005) 'Companies facing regulatory fatigue', Financial Times 10 March.

  • What'S Worth Fighting For In Headship?

    In the exciting new edition of this bestselling book, Michael Fullan looks at how much has changed in the world of headship and school improvement in recent decades, and offers key guidelines for being a successful head teacher in the 21st ...

  • Conscious And Unconscious

    Spiegler, M. D. and Guevremont, D. C. (1998) Contemporary Behavioral Therapy, 3rd edn. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Stafford, P. (1992) Psychedelics Encyclopedia, 3rd edn. Berkeley, CA: Ronin. Stein, D. (1997) Introduction: cognitive ...

  • Policing the Police: Challenges of Democracy and Accountability

    ... 25, 32, 44, 60 Wall, D.S. 21 Wells, H. 38 West Midlands Serious Crime Squad 34, 94 whistle blowing 52, 94–6, 101 White, A. 8, 59, 103, 117, 118 Wingrove, J. 70 Wood, D.A. 21, 35, 121 Wood, J. 9, 15, 119 Worboys, John 56, 62 Y Young, ...

  • I: Functional Analysis

    To solve this, we let 6(p) E % Ip*(x) dx —- fV(x)p(x) dx + % F|'—§:c)tp(£ dx dy (S.14) defined on {p| p e L*, p e K, p 2 0}, where K is the completion of C3' in the norm "PHI: 5 (f”(")"(y']) dx of IXThat the integral in question is ...

  • Charles Darwin

    ... cuales la vida en sociedad fuera provechosa sintieran el impulso de vivir juntos, así como la sensación de hambre y el placer de comer surgieron, sin duda, en primer lugar, a fin de que los animales sintieran el impulso de comer.

  • Los dioses de la culpa

    En una temporada de problemas financieros para su firma de abogados, Mickey Haller, el personaje que Connelly llamó El Abogado del Lincoln, recibe de pronto una llamada para atender un caso de asesinato.

  • Las dos caras de la verdad

    El último libro protagonizado hasta la fecha por Bosch es Las dos caras de la verdad, buen ejemplo del estilo del escritor, que siempre busca poner de manifiesto los grandes problemas a los que se enfrenta EUA como sociedad.

  • Orthopedic Joint Mobilization and Manipulation: An Evidence-Based Approach

    Orthopedic Joint Mobilization and Manipulation is a guide to clinical applications that will help eliminate pain and re-establish normal joint motion for patients experiencing various musculoskeletal ailments.