Books written by Julia Brannen

  • Young People, Health and Family Life

    ... 99 Green , G. , 111 Griffin , C. , 3 Gunter , B. , 73 happiness , 71 Hay , D.A. , 70 health , 4-5 , 67-81 , 214 beliefs of young people , 68–9 , 70 , 211-12 , 214 definitions , 72 , 81 discussion with parents , 59 , 188 education ...

  • Food, Families and Work

    ... 158 n.4 Skafida, V. 156 Skinner, C. 108 Solberg, A. 82 Southerton, D. 3, 58, 101 Spaargaren, G. 52 Spence, A. 13 Spurling, N. 150 Stephen, A. 30 Strauss, A. 94 Sullivan, O. 32 Sung, S. 44 Sweeting, H. 13, 16 Swinburn, B. 150 Szabo, ...

  • Food, Families and Work

    ... 59, 150 Jacobs, J. 58 James, A. 82, 83, 94, 98 Jamieson, L. 82 Johnson, R. K. 15 Kan, M. Y. 32, 33 Kelle, U. 146, ... 81, 82, 84, 106 Office for National Statistics 14, 64, 158 Owen, C. xi, 56 Patel, R. 150 Pearson, N. 82 Phipps, ...

  • Families and Food in Hard Times: European comparative research

    Abbs, I. and L. Marshall. 2020. 'Emerging evidence on COVID- 19's impact on ... J. F. de, L. Capucha, A. F. da Costa, F. L. Machado, I. Nicolau and E. Reis. 1992. Exclusão social: factores e tipos de ... Anitha, S. and R. Pearson. 2018.

  • Researching Family Narratives

    ... Gregory, S. and Lawton, J. (2008) '“If the food looks dodgy I dinnae it”: Teenagers' accounts of food and eating practices in socio-economically disadvantaged families', Sociological Research Online, 13(1). Wimmer, A. and Schiller, ...

  • Social Research Matters: A Life in Family Sociology

    Smart , C. ( 2011 ) 'Families, secrets and memories', Sociology , 45(4): 539–43. Spector , M. and Kitsuse , J.I. ( 2001 ) Constructing social problems , New York: Taylor and Francis. Spring Rice , M. ( 1939 ) Working- class wives: Their ...

  • Children In Families: Research And Policy

    FARRELL, C. (1978) My Mother Said...: The Way Young People Learn ... FRANCOME, C. (1993) Children Who Have Children, London, FPA. FURSTENBERG, F., BROOKS-GUNN,J. ... Population Trends, 71, Spring,pp.26–33. HELM, T. (1993) 'Find your own ...

  • Connecting Children: Care and Family Life in Later Childhood

    O'Brien, M., Aldred, P. and Jones, D. (1996) 'Children's Constructions of Family and Kinship.' In Brannen, J. and O'Brien, M. (eds) Children in Famil- ies: Research and Policy. London: Falmer. O'Brien, M. and Jones, D. (1995) 'Young ...

  • Connecting Children: Care and Family Life in Later Childhood

    Wayne's white foster carer defined children in general, and foster children in particular, in terms of their 'otherness'. ... Like, they might have problems with . . . they can't have a baby and you haven't got much sperm, Children 's ...

  • Children in Families: Research and Policy

    This book provides new perspectives on children in their family contexts. It shows that children's needs and wishes have been neglected in the social sciences.

  • Working and Caring Over the Twentieth Century: Change and Continuity in Four Generation Families

    This volume explores this issue, focusing on the two central careers of the life course, employment & care.

  • Transitions to parenthood in Europe

    Focusing on how working people negotiate the transition into parenthood—and the work-life balances it requires—the contributors provide an in-depth understanding of working parents' real lives within a diverse set of national, workplace ...

  • The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods

    The Handbook serves as an invaluable resource for approaching research with an open mind. This volume maps the field of social research methods using an approach that will prove valuable for both students and researchers.

  • The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods

    As Hammersley has acknowledged, the creation in the education field of an orthodoxy around so-called scientific research principles 'may amount to a new round in the paradigm wars' (2005: 141). However, Hammersley writes that it is ...

  • Families and Food in Hard Times: European Comparative Research

    Based on research carried out with low-income families with children aged 11-15, this timely book examines food poverty in the UK, Portugal and Norway in the decade following the 2008 financial crisis.

  • Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research

    This book focuses on a key issue in the methodology of the social and behavioural sciences: the mixing of different research methods.

  • Children In Families: Research And Policy

    ; This work provides perspectives on children in their family contexts. It shows that children's needs and wishes have often been neglected in the social sciences, especially in the areas of law, social policy and sociology.

  • Transitions to Parenthood in Europe: A Comparative Life Course Perspective

    It is a complete revision of Weissi successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++. The most unique aspect of this text is the clear separation of the interface and implementation.

  • Families and Food in Hard Times: European Comparative Research

    This timely book examines food poverty in the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Norway following the 2008 financial crisis, examining the resources available to families in relation to the intersection of public policies, local institutions, ...

  • Rethinking Children's Care

    “… the book successfully presents clear and convincing arguments about the need to re-direct childhood studies and children’s care towards an appreciation of children and care, by providing a careful...