Books written by Jeffrey J. Mayer

  • Time Management for Dummies

    17600 Newhope Street , Fountain Valley , CA 92708 ; 800-835-6575 . Triple the clock speed of your 486 If you own a 486 computer and upgrading to a Pentium chip is either too expensive or ...

  • ACT!? 3 For Windows? For Dummies?

    Tools View Window Help Type Scheduled With இரு FEFFFEEEGR PEEEEEEEE Date Time Priority 10/12/96 9:00 AMHigh Bill Fletcher 10/12/96 9:30 AMHigh Greg Thomas 10/12/96 11:00 Al High Tyler Stephens 10/12/96 2:00 PMHigh Michael Harrison ...

  • ACT! 4 for Windows for Dummies

    Prices for - cover - stock 3/2/98 NONE High Carolyn Kilpatrick Follow up on delivery 3/2/98 NONE High Michael Harrison Time Management for Dummies 3/2/98 NONE Medium David Ashley Send follow - up letter 3/2/98 -NONE MediufJeffrey .

  • ACT! 2000 for Windows For Dummies

    Discuss Prices for cover stock INONE - Michael Harrison 312 Time Management for Dummie NONE - Tyler Stephens 214-5 Discuss new products NONE - Carolyn Kilpatrick 700 Follow up on delivery Figure 15-2 : The Daily calendar .

  • Time Management Survival Guide for Dummies

    to Michael Harrison 2/3/95 None Last Results Assistant Mitzi Bouffard Category Client Name Pre ... Mr. User 4 User 2 User 5 User 3 Main Num User 7 User 8 7:46 PM User 9 2/3/95 ACT ! - ( JEFF ] File Edit Schedule Phone Write Report ...

  • Time Management For Dummies, 2nd Edition

    You'll be amazed at what you can get done each and every day when you discover the timesaving tips, techniques, ideas, and strategies in this book.

  • Success is a Journey: 7 Steps to Achieving Success in the Business of Life

    "Success is a Journey is a practical, hands-on guide that will help you to set your priorities and stay focused so you can achieve your goals and succeed in the business of life.

  • If You Haven't Got the Time to Do it Right, when Will You Find the Time to Do it Over?

    Jeffrey Mayer's unique approach to staying afloat in a sea of paperwork provides quick, practical ways to become organized and efficient. A nationally known expert on time management, Mayer offers...

  • Fundamentals of Voice and Articulation

    Fundamentals of Voice and Articulation