Books written by Marguerite Yourcenar

  • With Open Eyes: Conversations with Matthieu Galey

    A French poet, playwright, novelist, and critic talks about her childhood, the development of her literary talent, and love, dreams, drugs, translation, feminism, ecology, and mysticism

  • Con los ojos abiertos / With Open eyes

    Así nació la presente obra, a través de cuyas páginas podemos llegar al fondo del pensamiento de la gran escritora, que lo contempla todo con los ojos abiertos y habla con absoluta franqueza.

  • Ad occhi aperti. Conversazioni con Matthieu Galey

    Ad occhi aperti. Conversazioni con Matthieu Galey

  • Amb els ulls oberts: converses amb Matthieu Galey

    Amb els ulls oberts: converses amb Matthieu Galey

  • Memorias de Adriano

    Spanish translation of "Mémoires d'Hadrien". A biographical novel based on the life of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, considered a 20th century classic.

  • Memorias de Adriano

    Bajo la forma de una autobiografía imaginaria minuciosamente fundamentada en la realidad histórica, Marguerite Yourcenar reconstruye un tramo espectacular de la historia.

  • Hua jia Wang Fu li xian ji

    Ben shu shi yi ze guan yu zhong guo zhu ming hua jia wang fu de gu shi.

  • Fires

    As such, the book does not require any commentary.

  • Memoirs of Hadrian

    Fictionally portrays the private and public lives of the Roman Emperor from 76 to 138 A.D.

  • A Blue Tale and Other Stories

    Published to great acclaim in France in 1993, and the last of the author's stories to be translated into English, a collection of fiction includes three early tales written between 1927 and 1930 on the themes of greed, gender, and ...

  • The Abyss: A Novel

    The story of the fate of two cousins in sixteenth century northern France.

  • Ensayos

    La necesidad de refabricar una estatua completa, con miembros postizos, pudo en parte ser debida al ingenuo deseo de poseer y de exhibir un objeto en buen ... Puede que también nos hayamos acostumbrado más a las ruinas y a las heridas.

  • That Mighty Sculptor, Time

    This posthumously published collection of essays takes up such diverse subjects as the poet Oppian, Tantrism, the feasts of the Christian year, Durer, the Japanese studies of Ivan Morris, the erotic mysticism of the Gita-Govinda, the ...

  • Two Lives and a Dream

    Two Lives and a Dream are three beautifully written pieces set in 17th century Holland and 16th century Naples . They have a place alongside Yourcenar's finest work . " -Linda Brandon , Independent " Readers of The Abyss and Memoirs of ...

  • Memoirs of Hadrian: And, Reflections on the Composition of Memoirs of Hadrian

    Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, "Memoirs of Hadrian" has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951.

  • Dreams and Destinies

    ... Destinies , as well as of supplementing the original narrations with a later group of commented dreams . The texts are found in documenta- tion housed in the Archives of the Editions ... Destinies Quotations for Dreams and Destinies.

  • Memoirs of Hadrian

    Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, "Memoirs of Hadrian" has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it,...

  • Opus nigrum

    En los tratados aquí reunidos, Borges habla de la esencia del tiempo, que se concreta bien en el mecanismo de una metáfora, bien en una refutación filosófica.

  • Alexis

    The novel takes the form of a letter from the protagonist, Alexis, to his wife, Monique.

  • Maleficio (Flash Relatos)

    La maldad, ¿nace o se crea? ¿Hasta qué punto la opinión de los demás convierte a alguien en malvado?