Books written by Stephen J. Ethier

  • Autodesk VIZ Fundamentals Using Release 4

    Ltd. Pearson Education North Asia Ltd. Pearson Education Canada , Ltd. Pearson Educación de Mexico , S. A. de C.V. Pearson Education Japan Pearson Education Malaysia Pte . Ltd. Pearson Education , Upper Saddle River , New Jersey ...

  • 3D Studio MAX in Motion: Basics Using 3D Studio MAX 4.2

    Committed to covering all the basics of the 3D Studio MAX™ program, this fun, interactive book allows the user to produce realistic renderings of still images and animations. It combines...

  • AutoCAD for Success: Using AutoCAD 2000 and AutoCAD 2000i

    Time Macro Status AutoLISP Set Variable Display Image Named VCS .. Orthographic UCS Move UCS New UCS The STATUS Command The STATUS command reports on the current condition of numerous settings , presenting them all on the screen at one ...

  • AutoCAD in 3 Dimensions Using AutoCAD 2004

    For intermediate/advanced-level courses in AutoCAD, 3D Design and Concepts, Technical Illustration, Mechanical Design and Drafting, Architectural Design and Drafting, and Computer Graphics in departments of Engineering, Architecture, Drafting, and Computer...

  • Instant AutoCAD: Essentials for AutoCAD 2000

    For courses in Computer Aided Drafting/Design, as well as for Engineering and Engineering Technology students and others who need to learn AutoCAD. This text provides users with an introduction to...

  • AutoCAD Transition from 12 to 13

    This manual is intended to assist in the transition of moving from AutoCAD "RM" release 12 to AutoCAD "RM" release 13 by discussing their similarities and differences.The book is logically...