Books written by Nancy Folbre

  • Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family

    Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke (New York: Basic Books, 2003). 26. Michael A. Rebell, “Why Adequacy Lawsuits Matter,” Education Week, August 11, 2004, ...

  • Saving State U: Fixing Public Higher Education

    ... billionaire investor Warren buffett, advised him publicly to repeal or at least revise Proposition 13. laughing out loud, Schwarzenegger announced, “i told Warren that if he mentions Proposition 13 again he has to do 500 sit-ups.

  • Field Guide to the U.S. Economy: A Compact And Irreverent Guide to Ecnomic Life in America

    Extensively revised and expanded with the most up-to-the-minute data, this new edition of the Field Guide to the U.S. Economy brings key economic issues to life, reflecting the collective wit and wisdom of the many progressive economists ...

  • The War on the Poor: A Defense Manual

    Explores the myths and realities of issues relating to poverty in the United States, and provides advocates for the poor with facts, figures, and resources to promote change

  • Greed, Lust and Gender: A History of Economic Ideas

    11 North and Thomas, p. 140. ... 22 North and Thomas, Rise of the Western World; Nancy Folbre, Who Pays for the Kids? ... 25 J. Komlos, ''Thinking About the Industrial Revolution,'' The Journal of European Economic History 18:1 (1989), ...

  • Family Time: The Social Organization of Care

    Data collected on the use of childcare referred to the week prior to the interview . Information on childcare ... Australian Institute of Family Studies ( 2000 ) A Guide to Calculating the Cost of Children , AIFS : Melbourne .

  • Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family

    Nancy Folbre challenges the conventional economist's assumption that parents have children for the same reason that they acquire pets--primarily for the pleasure of their company.

  • Saving State U: Why We Must Fix Public Higher Education

    This book celebrates and will fortify their efforts.In Saving State U, economist Nancy Folbre brings the national debates of education experts down to the level of trying to teach-and trying to learn-at major state universities whose ...

  • Field Guide to the U.S. Economy (Large Print 16pt)

    This new edition includes cartoons on every page, along with a glossary and analytical tool kit to help readers along the way.

  • Greed, Lust and Gender: A History of Economic Ideas

    This book brings women's work, their sexuality, and their ideas into the center of the dialectic between economic history and the history of economic ideas.

  • The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems

    A major new work of feminism on the history and persistence of patriarchal hierarchies from the MacArthur Award-winning economist In this groundbreaking new work, Nancy Folbre builds on a critique and reformulation of Marxian political ...

  • Who Pays for the Kids?: Gender and the Structures of Constraint

    Three paradoxes surround the division of the costs of social reproduction:* Women have entered the paid labour force in growing numbers, but they continue to perform most of the unpaid labour of housework and childcare.* Birth rates have ...

  • The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems: An Intersectional Political Economy

    Now that birth rates have dropped below long-run replacement levels in many countries, demographic angst has reversed direction, fueling concerns about underrather than overpopulation. Global population.

  • For Love or Money

    As care work gravitates from the family to the formal economy, this volume clarifies the pressing need for America to fundamentally rethink its care policies and increase public investment in this increasingly crucial sector.

  • The Economics of the Family

    This collection of essays features debate among neoclassical, institutionalist and feminist theorists, providing an invaluable guide to the evolution of economic approaches to the family. The clash of paradigms illuminates...

  • Saving State U: Why We Must Fix Public Higher Education

    ... Policy Implications of International Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in the United States, (Washington, DC: National Research Council, 2005), 1. 24. George borjas, “Do Foreign Students Crowd out Native Students from Graduate ...

  • Family Time: The Social Organization of Care

    In this volume, leading internatinal experts in the analysis of time use explore the interface between time use and family policy. They show how social institutions limit the choices that individuals can make about how to divide their time.

  • Greed, Lust & Gender: A History of Economic Ideas

    This book dramatizes the history of self-interest by describing a centuries-long debate over greed, lust, and appropriate gender roles.

  • Family Time: The Social Organization of Care

    Yet we have more experience accounting for money than we do for time. In this volume, leading experts in analysis of time use from across the globe explore the interface between time use and family pol

  • The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems

    A major new work of feminism on the history and persistence of patriarchal hierarchies from the MacArthur Award-winning economist In this groundbreaking new work, Nancy Folbre builds on a critique and reformulation of Marxian political ...