Books written by Johan Heilbron

  • The Rise of Social Theory

    1 W. Lepenies, Between Literature and Science: The Rise of Sociology, trans. J. R. Hollingdale, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988. 2 A. Comte, Correspondance générale et confessions, Paris, Mouton, 1973, vol. 1, p. 132.

  • French Sociology

    Brian W. Head, “The Origins of 'la science sociale' in France, 1770–1800,” Australian Journal of French Studies 19, 1982, ... jusqu'à présent entre la morale et la politique,” in Écrits de jeunesse, 1816–1828, Paris, Mouton, 1970, pp.

  • Las contradicciones de la globalización editorial

    Les années algériennes des éditions Maspero», en La Guerre d'Algérie et les intellectuels français, dirigido por Jean-Pierre Rioux y Jean-François Sirinelli, 155-174. Bruselas: Complexe, 1991. Maspero, François.

  • New Directions in Elite Studies

    In contrast, this book mobilizes a broad scope of research methods to uncover the social composition of the power elite – the ‘field of power’.

  • The Social and Human Sciences in Global Power Relations

    This volume employs new empirical data to examine the internationalization of the social sciences and humanities (SSH).