Books written by Robert Pasnau

  • Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671

    Trapp, Damasus. “Aegidii Romani de doctrina modorum,” Angelicum 12 (1935) 449–501. Trapp, Damasus. “Peter Ceffons of Clairvaux,” Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 24 (1957) 101–54. Trifogli, Cecilia.

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 9

    “ Agency and Attention in Malebranche's Theory of Cognition , ” in M. Pickavé and L. Shapiro ( eds . ) , Emotion and Cognitive Life in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2012 ) , 217–33 .

  • After Certainty: A History of Our Epistemic Ideals and Illusions

    Shapiro, Barbara J. “Beyond Reasonable Doubt” and “Probable Cause”: Historical Perspectives on the Anglo-American Law ... Medieval Perspectives on Aristotle's De anima (Louvain-laNeuve: Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, ...

  • The Philosophy of Aquinas

    On the proof from motion and related forms of argument for God's existence, see: William L. Rowe, The Cosmological Argument (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975). On Aquinas's proofs for God more generally, see: Anthony ...

  • After Certainty: A History of Our Epistemic Ideals and Illusions

    Both Burnyeat and Barnes, though shying away from the term 'knowledge,' take for granted that the treatise's subject is science, and Burnyeat even ultimately allows “that in the end it will not do too much damage to go back to the ...

  • The Treatise on the Divine Nature

    The best introduction to Aquinas's views on two central questions of philosophical theology—Does God exist? and What is God like?—The Treatise on the Divine Nature was newly translated for this volume and appears in it with a full ...

  • A Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima

    A study of Aristotle, providing an understanding of the Greek philosopher, and expressing Aquinas's own views on philosophical issues.

  • The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy

    "The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy comprises over fifty specially commissioned essays by experts on the philosophy of this period. Starting in the late eighth century, with the renewal of...

  • Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: A Philosophical Study of Summa Theologiae, 1a 75-89

    A major new study of Aquinas and his central project: the understanding of human nature.

  • After Certainty: A History of Our Epistemic Ideals and Illusions

    The story begins with Aristotle and then looks at how his epistemic program was developed through later antiquity and into the Middle Ages, before being dramatically reformulated in the seventeenth century.

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 4

    Responding to the Argument from Essential Dependence—which, recall, claims that a creature's essential dependence on God ... Suárez thinks he can show that creatures and the actions by which God actually creates and conserves them are ...

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 9

    ... Andreas Lammer , The Elements of Avicenna's Physics : Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations ( Berlin : De Gruyter , 2018 ) ; Michael Noble , Philosophising the Occult : Avicennan Psychology and “ The Hidden Secret ” of Fakhr al - Dīn ...

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 1

    Issues for vol. 2- are cataloged as a serial in LC.

  • The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy

    He argues that the Platonicposition is superior totheAristotelian habitus of metaphysical wisdom andis thereforecalled a “superwisdom” (supersapientia), since it deals not onlywith the principles of being, but also with principles ...

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, Volume 4

    Accordingly , he describes action variously as the causality of an efficient cause , as the existential dependence of an effect on its efficient cause , and as the production of an effect . However , each of these ways of understanding ...

  • The Philosophy of Aquinas

    Since God's creative power is the power to create being, not to create nonbeing (whatever that would mean!), ... It is easy enough to reconcile these limitations on God's power with the claim that God can do anything that does not ...

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy

    Chatton's own views on final causality are presented most extensively in the opening question of the second book of his Reportatio, based on the lectures he probably delivered in Oxford in 1321–3. Another important place in Chatton's ...

  • The Philosophy of Aquinas

    The authors have updated the second edition in light of recent scholarship on Aquinas, while streamlining and refining their presentation of the key elements of Aquinas' philosophy.

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 6

    The series covers all aspects of medieval philosophy, including the Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew traditions, and runs from the end of antiquity into the Renaissance.

  • Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy Volume 5

    Historically speaking, a C-solution may resonate with Robert Kilwardby's view, for instance, according to which “the human soul is a composite of three forms: vegetative, sensitive, and intellective,”26 and an S-solution may resonate ...