Books written by Sol Levine

  • Society and Health

    Cooper , R. S. 1984. A Note on the biologic concept of race and its application in epidemiologic research . Am . Heart J. 108 : 715-723 . Cooper , R. S. , and B. E. Simmons . 1985. Cigarette smoking and ill health among black Americans ...

  • The Dying Patient

    â__Recommended for the provocative questions it raises concerning the effect on the patient of the structure of medical care, concerning the important decisions regarding policy facing the medical profession, the hospital administrator, ...

  • Social Stress

    THE BROKEN HOME SITUATION Some students, like Monahan, are apparently convinced that delinquency is strongly related to the broken home situation. Broken homes have been theoretically and empirically linked with practically all the ...

  • Social Stress

    The work concludes with a statement by the editors summarizing the data and themes that are presented throughout the work. This work should be read by all individuals.

  • Manual de Sociología Médica

    Manual que re ne varios estudios de destacados especialistas en el campo de la sociolog a m dica. la preocupaci n central de dichas reflexiones es la urgencia de alentar la investigaci n y consolidar los logros en esta disciplina. la relaci ...

  • Social Stress

    Social Stress