Books written by Sylvia M. Asay

  • Family Resource Management

    Printed and Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Paolucci, Hall, and Axinn (1977) designed their textbook around the decision-making process within the family ecosystem.

  • Family Resource Management

    Gericke, N., Carver, R., Castéra, J., Neima, A., Menezes, E., Coiffard Marre, C., & El-Hani, C. N. (2017). Exploring relationships among ... Golshevsky, D. M., Magnussen, C., Juonala, M., Kao, K., Harcourt, B. E., & Sabin, M. A. (2020).

  • Family Resource Management

    Intended Audience: This book is designed for upper-level undergraduate courses in Family Resource Management.

  • Family Resource Management

    The book unlocks the complexity of family decision making, enabling students to grasp both the concepts and the underlying explanations of family behavior.

  • Family Resource Management

    Davenport, T. H., 112 Davis, J. G., 217 Decision making bureaucratic model, 7 communication within, ... 33 Doyal, L., 71, 76 Dunn, H., 279 Dupont, H., 96 Durable goods, 150 Durable power of attorney, 253 power, 124 process, ...

  • Family Resource Management

    China's new culture of cool: Understanding the world's fastestgrowing market. Berkeley, CA: New Rider's Press. Zimmerman, E. (1964). Introduction to world resources. New York: Harper & Row. Zuckerman, M. (2000). Are you a risk taker?

  • Family Violence From a Global Perspective: A Strengths-Based Approach

    Violence against women in Kenya: An analysis of law, policy, and institutions. International Environmental Law Research Centre: Working Paper 2000–1. Website: www.ielrc.rg/ content/w0001.pdf Kenya Sexual Offences Act 2006.

  • Family Resource Management

    The book unlocks the complexity of family decision making, enabling students to grasp both the concepts and the underlying explanations of family behavior.

  • Family Violence From a Global Perspective: A Strengths-Based Approach

    A global response to elder abuse and neglect: Building primary health care capacity to deal with the problem worldwide: Main report. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. World Health Organization. (2010).