Books written by Karen Armstrong

  • El Islam

    y John L. Donohue, eds., Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives, Nueva York y Oxford, 1982. —, e Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Muslims on the Americanization Path, Atlanta, 1998. Gellner, Ernest, Postmodernism, Reason and Religion, ...

  • Fields of Blood: Mengurai Sejarah Hubungan Agama dan Kekerasan

    _____, (dengan John J. Donohue) ed., Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives (New York, 1982). _____, (dengan Dahlia Mogahed), Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think; Based on Gallup's World Poll—the Largest Study ...

  • Campos de sangue: Religião e a história da violência

    In: ______. Voices of Resurgent Islam. Nova York; Oxford, 1983. ______. Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Nova York; Oxford, 2002. ______ (Org.). Voices of Resurgent Islam. Nova York; Oxford, 1983. ______; DONOHUE , John J.

  • Blood Red Roses

    Kate is horrified to discover that the ghost of an evil girl has taken control of her friend, Tracy.

  • Historia de Jerusalén: Una ciudad y tres religiones

    Pero está claro que su conquista de la ciudad fue un corte en el tiempo y sus efectos se dejan sentir todavía hoy. Una ciudad que hasta entonces había tenido una importancia secundaria en Canaán, había pasado al ámbito de la tradición ...

  • Muhammad Prophet for our time

    F.E. Peters, TheHajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places (Princeton, 1994), 2427. 26. Ibn AlKalbi, The Book of Idols dalam Peters, Hajj, 27. Bamyeh, SocialOrigins of Islam, 28. Ibid., 7980;Reza Aslan, No godbut God: The ...

  • Islam: A Short History

    i0TTA|lEDEll, Roy, The Mantle qf the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran (London, 1985) NASR, Seyyid Hosain, Ideals and Realities of Islam (London, 1966) PETERS, F. E., The Haj/F The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places ...

  • The Spiral Staircase

    Cantwell Smith was one of the first theologians to make all this clear to me, in such books as Faith and Belief and Belief in History. I remember the extraordinary sense of relief I felt when I read in his somewhat dry, scholarly prose ...

  • Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life

    ... Wilfred Cantwell. What Is Scripture? A Comparative Approach. London, 1993. Tabataba'i, Muhammad H. Qur'an in Islam. London, 1988. CONCERN FOR EVERYBODY During the tenth step, Knowledge, I recommended an exercise based on this list, ...

  • The Bible: The Biography

    She then traces the development of both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament to reveal the disparate influences that helped to form these sacred texts.

  • Mahoma: Biografía del Profeta

    Al final de esta biografía incluí una cita del investigador canadiense Wilfred Cantwell Smith, cuya obra ha supuesto una constante fuente de inspiración para mí. En un texto de 1956, Cantwell Smith señaló que tanto Occidente como el ...

  • The Case for God: What Religion Really Means

    There is widespread confusion about the nature of religious truth.

  • On the Bible

    A ground-breaking explanation of the single most influential text of all time by the world's foremost religious historian.

  • Through the Narrow Gate: A Nun's Story

    Through the Narrow Gate is Karen Armstrong's memoir of life inside a Catholic convent in the 1960's.

  • Through the Narrow Gate: A Memoir of Life In and Out of the Convent

    During the morning I forgot about Miss Jackson. During the lunch hour, however, I noticed a photograph on the bulletin board that hadn't been there that morning. It was, I realized with a shock, Miss Jackson. I looked closely at it.

  • The Authentic Wing Chun Weapons: Long Pole and Butterfly Knives

    The Authentic Wing Chun Weapons: Long Pole and Butterfly Knives

  • Campos de sangre: la religión y la historia de la violencia

    Campos de sangre pretende corregir la generalizada condena de la fe como algo violento; es una impecable investigación y una celebración apasionadamente argumentada de las ideas y movimientos religiosos que se han opuesto a la guerra y a ...

  • Im Namen Gottes: Religion und Gewalt

    In ihrem neuen Buch "Im Namen Gottes" nimmt die Autorin erstmals die Geschichte und Gegenwart von Judentum, Christentum und Islam in Bezug auf religiöse Gewalt in den Blick. Karen Armstrong geht den Ursachen dieser Gewalt auf den Grund.

  • The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Text Only)

    ... 2000 Copyright © Karen Armstrong 2000 The Author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work ISBN 000 6383483 Set in Fournier Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives pic All rights reserved.

  • Las preguntas siguen: Naomi Klein, Karen Armstrong, Muhammad Yunus, Adela Cortina y Facundo Manes conversan con Iñaki Gabilondo

    Las preguntas siguen recoge las conversaciones que el periodista Iñaki Gabilondo mantuvo con algunos de los pensadores más relevantes del momento (Naomi Klein, Karen Armstrong, Muhammad Yunus, Adela Cortina y Facundo Manes) con motivo del ...