Books written by Mark Neocleous

  • A Critical Theory of Police Power: The Fabrication of the Social Order

    42 Fine , Democracy , 175 ; Bob Fine and Robert Millar , ' Introduction : The Law of the Market and the Rule of Law , in Bob Fine and Robert Millar ( eds ) , Policing the Miners ' Strike ( London : Lawrence and Wishart , 1985 ) , 11 .

  • War Power, Police Power

    ... of their effeminated Mother-Country, immediately took to their Arms and made the Enemy fly before them'.88 The fourth example is John Millar's comment, noted above, that 'effeminate wealth has shattered our age with venal luxury'.

  • A Critical Theory of Police Power: The Fabrication of the Social Order

    15 Mike McConville, Andrew Sanders and Roger Leng, The Case for the Prosecution: Police Suspects and the Construction ... A Review of Background Factors, Current Practices, and Possible Role Models (New York: Jason Aronson, 1975), 34.

  • The Politics of Immunity: Security and the Policing of Bodies

    The book thus opens into a critique of the violence of security and spells out immunity’s tendency towards self-destruction and death: immunity, like security, can turn its aggression inwards, into the autoimmune disorder.

  • The Universal Adversary: Security, Capital and 'The Enemies of All Mankind'

    The history of bourgeois modernity is a history of the Enemy. This book is a radical exploration of an Enemy that has recently emerged from within security documents released by the US security state: the Universal Adversary.

  • War Power, Police Power

    In this, the first book to deal with the concepts of war power and police power together, Mark Neocleous conducts a critical exploration of the ways in which war power and police power are intertwined in the form of state violence and ...

  • EBOOK: Imagining the State

    of identity 'enabled a set of practices that orchestrated the state into existence as a representative agent, representing and protecting what are seen as the a priori normal relations of governance'.48 The state could thus be imagined ...

  • Anti-Security

    If security has become the dominant, perhaps impenetrable concept of our times, then we must start entertaining the impossible. We must begin asking: what would doing anti-security look like?

  • The Universal Adversary: Security, Capital and 'The Enemies of All Mankind'

    98; Don Herzog, Poisoning the Minds of the Lower Orders (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998), p. 545. 40. William Cobbett, 'To the Journeymen and Labourers of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, on the Causes of their ...

  • Critique of Security

    This book brings together a range of diverse discussions about security in order to sustain a genuine critique of the subject.