Books written by Karen Wheeler

  • The Scented Home: Living with Fragrance

    coming up roses ( Rosa centifolia and Rosa damascena ) Rose has long been associated with feminine qualities and , as well as being the symbol of love , is known as the ' queen of fragrance ' . Cleopatra filled her bedroom knee - deep ...

  • Tout Sweet: Hanging Up My High Heels for a New Life in France

    And, most importantly of all, there will be a roaring fire (and willow baskets overflowing with logs) in the petit salon, so that in the evening the house will glow with warmth. But this is all some way off yet, as at the moment I don't ...

  • Big Date Hair

    An accessible hair guide designed to help women achieve the perfect style for the first date, and the dazzling dates to follow, combines insider expert information with the stories of...

  • Tout Sweet

    ... nasal hair trimmer for all the use that is.” Henri looks as embarrassed as I am at this unexpected display of churlishness. Much as I find Miranda entertaining, I am shocked on Desmond and Elinor's behalf. After all, they have shown ...

  • Inred med konst

    Inred med konst

  • Tout Soul: The Pursuit of Happiness in Rural France

    Having quit her fast-paced life in London for a new life in France, Karen appears to have it all: a cute dog, a charismatic Portuguese boyfriend and a quirky collection of French and expat friends.

  • Sweet Encore: A Road Trip from Paris to Portugal

    Humorous travel memoir based on a road trip from Paris through northern Spain and along the Emerald and Silver Coast of Portugal; including visits to Lisbon, Sintra and Madeira.

  • The Scented Home: Living with Fragrance

    This book is a sensory journey through the home, looking both at the intrinsic scents of a house that seep from its very fabric and at ways to introduce new fragrances into living spaces.

  • Scented Home Pb

    Scented Home Pb