Books written by Brian Greer

  • Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology

    Kruskal-Wallis. and. Friedman. So far, we have focused on drilling down into data following one-way ANOVA. Of course, if one of the rank-based alternatives were used, it is still possible to carry out post hoc analysis, although these ...

  • Arts Co-operatives: A Guide for Artists

    Arts Co-operatives: A Guide for Artists

  • Critical Issues in Mathematics Education

    The word "critical" in the title of this collection has three meanings, all of which are relevant. One meaning, as applied to a situation or problem, is "at a point of crisis".

  • Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education

    The editors of this volume bring together contributions from many of the leading teachers, teacher educators, researchers, scholars, and activists who have been working to reorient mathematics education in ways that reflect mathematics ...

  • Theories of Mathematical Learning

    Mathematical enculturation, then, is the pupils' and tea ers' pursuit of making sense of mathematics as it is embodied (formally or informally) in various practices in the surrounding world. Bruner (1986) described su enculturation ...

  • Opening the Cage: Critique and Politics of Mathematics Education

    In A. Ahmed, J. M. Kraemer & H. Williams (Eds.), Cultural diversity in mathematics (education): CIEAEM 51 (pp. 31–39). Chichester, UK: Horwood. Lubienski, S. T. (2000). A clash of social class cultures? 305 POTENTIALS, PITFALLS ...

  • Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education

    Taking power seriously: New directions in equity in mathematics education and beyond. ... In B. Atweh, H. Forgasz, & B. Nebres (Eds.), Sociocultural research on mathematics education: An ... Science, Technology, & Human Values ...

  • Making Sense of Word Problems

    This monograph reports on studies carried out to investigate this "suspension of sense-making" in answering word problems. In Part One, a wide range of examples documenting the strength of the phenomenon is reviewed.

  • Statistical Thinking and Learning

    Devoted to statistical thinking and learning, this special double issue reflects major developments within statistics education. During recent years, statistics has entered or gained increased prominence in mainstream mathematics curricula...

  • How to Do the Times Crossword

    The Times crossword has a reputation above all other crosswords. There are many techniques required to tackle the clues and this guide explains them all.