Books written by Joanna Zylinska

  • Bioethics in the Age of New Media

    Neil Badmington argues that even cultural studies, a discipline that has sought to break down a series of oppressive barriers, has also “systematically reaffirmed the hierarchical border between the human and the inhuman” (262).

  • Life after New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process

    Zurr and Catts write: This paper will explore the notion of Genohype, a term coined by Neil Holtzman to describe the discourse of exaggerated claims and overstatements concerning DNA and the Human Genome Project (1999: 409–10).

  • The Future of Media

    Through this, the book celebrates the importance and vitality of media in the modern world. The Future of Media is also an experiment in collaborative modes of thinking and working.

  • The Ethics of Cultural Studies

    2 Ethics and Cultural Studies IDLE STUDENTS AND TABLOID PRINCESSES Richard Dawkins, author of the celebrated The Selfish Gene and the first Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, ...

  • La fine dell'uomo: Una controapocalisse femminista

    Gli uomini riparano il mondo per me In un saggio del 2008 intitolato Men ExplainThings to Me (Gli uomini mi spiegano cose), Rebecca Solnit, una scrittrice affermata, racconta il suo incontro a una festa ad Aspen con «un uomo imponente ...

  • On Spiders, Cyborgs, and Being Scared: The Feminine and the Sublime

    infinite singularity of different events occurring in the cybercity , coupled with the uncertainty of its positioning or ... Cybercities are a product of multinational capitalism that enforces its power through hegemonic negotiation .

  • Photomediations

    It also explores photography's kinship with other media - and with us, humans, as media. The term 'photomediations' brings together the hybrid ontology of 'photomedia' and the fluid dynamism of 'mediation'.

  • Life After New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process

    An argument for a shift in understanding new media--from a fascination with devices to an examination of the complex processes of mediation.

  • The Cyborg Experiments: The Extensions of the Body in the Media Age

    In this way the book explores how humanism, and ideas of "the human", have been placed under increasing scrutiny as a result of new developments in science, media and communications.Contributors:John Appleby, Rachel Armstrong, Fred Botting, ...

  • Life after New Media: Mediation as a Vital Process

    ... Artificial Life in a Digital World ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 1998 ) ; Sarah Kember , Cyberfeminism and Artificial Life ( London : Routledge , 2003 ) ; Lucy Suchman , Human - Machine Reconfigurations ( Cambridge ...

  • Nonhuman Photography

    In Nonhuman Photography, Joanna Zylinska offers a new philosophy of photography, going beyond the human-centric view to consider imaging practices from which the human is absent.