Books written by Chuck Palahniuk

  • Consider This: Moments in My Writing Life after Which Everything Was Different

    On tour in Kansas City with Todd Doughty, beloved Todd, the greatest living publicist, he and I asked the ticket agent to check all of our bags under my name. I had a business-class seat so there would be no extra charge for Todd's bag.

  • Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey

    Todd Rutz: The kid slides an arm inside the sock, all the way up to his skinny elbow, and he drags out a fistful of. . . we're talking i//1/ram/1/e coins. It wouldn't matter how bad they smell. A 1955 gold twenty-dollar in gem condition ...

  • Fight Club 2 (Graphic Novel)

    Special thanks to Matt Fraction, Chelsea Cain, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Brian Michael Bendis, Todd Doughty, and Edward Hibbert. Neil Hankerson, Executive Vice President/Tom Weddle, Chief Financial Officer/Randy Stradley, Vice President of ...

  • Fight Club 3 (Graphic Novel)

    ... Editor in Chief / Davey Estrada, Editorial Director / Chris Warner, Senior Books Editor / Cary Grazzini, Director of Specialty Projects / Lia Ribacchi, Art Director / Vanessa Todd-Holmes, Director of Print Purchasing / Matt Dryer, ...

  • Tell-All

    On the television in the den, Richard Todd throws himself onto Miss Kathie as July Fourth fireworks explode in a night sky. Throughout this montage, the actual Miss Kathie is absent. Here and there, the cameramightlingerona discarded ...

  • Fight Club

    ... we managed to gracelessly hustle the ever-generous Chuck into an interview for the film. David's raw art for the Zapruder film in Fightclub 2. Photosby Allan Amato Todd Doughty, Scott Allie, David Cameron, and (seated) Chuck.

  • Peste

    Chuck Palahniuk explore, encore et toujours, les tréfonds de la vie moderne et dresse le portrait en creux d'une Amérique en mal de repères. Évangile subversif et grotesque où le rire donne la réplique à l'horreur, Peste décrit un ...

  • Nightmare Magazine, October 2015 (Queers Destroy Horror! Special Issue)

    Here's what we've got lined up for you in this special issue: Original horror-edited by Wendy N. Wagner-by Chuck Palahniuk, Matthew Bright, Sunny Moraine, Alyssa Wong, and Lee Thomas.

  • Fight Club: A Novel

    In a confusing world poised on the brink of mayhem, Tyler Durden, a projectionist, waiter, and anarchic genius, comes up with an idea to create clubs in which young men can escape their humdrum existence and prove themselves in barehanded ...

  • Adjustment Day – Tag der Abrechnung

    Als er wieder auf seinem Stuhl sitzt, holt Esteban ein Papiertaschentuch und eine Tube Kokosbutter aus seiner Jackentasche. Er ist jetzt ein Raubtier an der Spitze der Nahrungskette. Wenn er ein ganzes Leben voller abgetragener ...

  • Chiral Mad 3 Deluxe Hardcover

    Chiral Mad 3 Deluxe Hardcover

  • Lullaby: A Novel

    Anytime a patient complained about anything, Waltraud Wagner would say, “This one gets a ticket to God,” and glug, glug, glug. “The ones who got on my nerves,” she told authorities, “were dispatched directly to a free bed with the good ...

  • Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon

    Dennis says. “All they do all day is sell white flour, while we might be milling amaranth and millet and flaxseeds.” Watch for Bob and Dennis to open a new mill and historic mills and stones, the museum will make anyone an.

  • Fight Club: A Novel

    In a confusing world poised on the brink of mayhem, Tyler Durden, a projectionist, waiter, and anarchic genius, comes up with an idea to create clubs in which young men can escape their humdrum existence and prove themselves in barehanded ...

  • Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon

    An insider takes readers on a walking tour of Portland, Oregon, revealing the city's quirky, cheap, and wild side as he visits unusual museums, offbeat annual festivals and events, scenes of ghostly hauntings, strange local customs, and ...

  • Fight Club: A Novel

    The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. Chuck Palahniuk showed himself to be his generation’s most visionary satirist in this, his first book. Fight...

  • Diary: A Novel

    A total of one hundred and thirty-two so far, and above them, over them, somewhere in the frame, you see some corporate name. Some slogan or smiling mascot. A cartoon tiger. A vague, upbeat motto. “Bonner & Mills—When You're Ready to ...

  • Snuff

    Narrated by Mr. 72, Mr. 137, and Mr. 600 as they await their turn on camera, a novel about the role of pornography in contemporary life follows porn queen Cassie Wright, who plans to break the record for serial fornication with six hundred ...

  • Invisible Monsters: A Novel

    When a freeway "accident" leaves a beautiful fashion model disfigured and incapable of speech, she seeks to reinvent herself and her world, along with her new friend, Brandy Alexander, a transvestite who is one operation away from becoming ...

  • Senza veli

    Chuck Palahniuk. Chuck Palahniuk SENZA VELI Traduzione di Matteo Colombo Senza veli.