Books written by Adam Geczy

  • Libertine Fashion: Sexual Freedom, Rebellion, and Style

    Riley, Patrick, “Errancy and Libertine Education in Crébillon fils's Les Égarements du cœur et de l'esprit,” French Forum, Vol. 20, No. 2, May 1995, 183–200. Roach, Joseph. ... Jazz Cleopatra: Josephine Baker in Her Time, ...

  • Fashion Installation: Body, Space, and Performance

    Clifford remarks that the 1920s saw a number of fashion designers branch into interior decoration, including Lanvin, Schiaparelli, Champcommunal, and Vionnet. “As evidenced by a 1932 Fortune profile of Parisian couturiers, ...

  • Critical Fashion Practice: From Westwood to Van Beirendonck

    40 James Clifford, “On Collecting Art and Culture,” Simon During, ed., The Cultural Studies Reader, London: Routledge, 1993, 67. 41 Susan Sontag, cit. James Clifford, ibid, 53. 42 Vicki Karaminas, “Imagining the Orient: Cultural ...

  • Fashion's Double: Representations of Fashion in Painting, Photography and Film

    Until the 1920s representations were still heavily reliant on illustrations to convey garments to the public. In 1912, the publisher Lucien Vogel developed a new kind of fashion magazine, La Gazette du Bon Ton.

  • Queer Style

    Moe Meyer, 'Introduction: Reclaiming the Discourse of Camp', in Moe Meyer, ed., The Politics and Poetics ofCamp (London: Routledge, 1994), 2. Judith Butler, 'Competing Universalities', in Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek, ...

  • Fashionable Art

    knowledge'.37 Yet, as Hughes blusters, in the United States by the 1990s, anti-skill 'was so far internalised that it became simply a rationale for having little or no technique; and at this point it acquired political virtue by a ...

  • China: Through the Looking Glass

    Sometimes she is lean and sleek, like Anna May Wong's character in Alexander Hall's 1934 Limehouse Blues (see page 56). In her more decadent, even kitsch versions, she sports large, garishly lacquered hairstyles that echo the ...

  • Planet Cosplay: Costume Play, Identity and Global Fandom

    2018, Logan's Run, directed by Michael Anderson (Beverly Hills: Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, 1976); Logan's Run, cr. William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson (Beverly Hills: MGM Television, 1977–78).

  • Gaga Aesthetics: Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition

    Wilcox, Claire. Vivienne Westwood. London: V&A Museum, 2004. Wilson, Elizabth. Adorned in Dreams. London: I.B. Taurus, 2003. Wilson, Elizabeth. 'The Vulgar: Fashion Redefined'. Fashion Theory 23, no, 1 (2018): 109– 119.

  • Fashion and Orientalism: Dress, Textiles and Culture from the 17th to the 21st Century

    ... 215n56 Tableau de Paris, 48 see also Mercier, Louis-Sébastien Takada, Kenzo see Kenzo Takashi, Hara, 8 Takashimaya, 123–124 Tamburlaine, 186 Tang court, 122 Tanzimat (reforms), 132, 135 tapis Sarrasinois, 22 tarbouche, 94, 96 Tarlo, ...

  • Fashion's Double: Representations of Fashion in Painting, Photography and Film

    With in-depth case studies including the work of Nick Knight and Helmut Newton, film examples such as The Hunger Games, music video Girl Panic by Duran Duran, and much more, this book analyses the interrelationship between clothing, ...

  • Gaga Aesthetics: Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition

    the more illusory becomes the idea of an aesthetic configuration binding the artist's intention with the artwork's ... The fatigue with life expressed in art can easily wind up as aesthetic fatigue, world-weariness (Weltschmerz) that ...

  • The End of Fashion: Clothing and Dress in the Age of Globalization

    28 Church Gibson, Fashion and Celebrity Culture; Teri Agins, Hijacking the Runway: How Celebrities Are Stealing the Spotlight from Fashion Designers (New York: Gotham Books, 2014), Kindle Edition. 29 Ginette Vincendeau, “Hot Couture: ...

  • What Is Performance Art?: Australian Perspectives

    This is because Australian performance art has always inhabited an international framework. But still, it is worth asking: what is the nature and contribution of Australian performance art from the 1970s until the present day?

  • Fashionable Masculinities: Queers, Pimp Daddies, and Lumbersexuals

    White Masculinity in Contemporary Australia: The Good Ol' Aussie Bloke. London: Routledge, 2020. Wald, Gayle. “I Want It That Way: Teenybopper Music and the Girling of Boy Bands,” Genders OnLine Journal, March 1, ...

  • Queer Style

    Queer Style offers an insight into queer fashionability by addressing the role that clothing has played in historical and contemporary lifestyles.

  • Where is Art?: Space, Time, and Location in Contemporary Art

    Other examples of radical identity are identified in works of what I call the Haecceities series that are works ... I use the terms Essentialist and Essentialism solely in relation to the project of determining limits of “Abstraction” ...

  • Fashion and Art

    After the 1960s, however, the exhibition focused mostly on artists who use fashion or clothing as a theme in their work (from Joseph Beuys' felt suit to Beverly Semmes' gargantuan dresses and Charles Ledray's miniature garments).

  • Transorientalism in Art, Fashion, and Film: Inventions of Identity

    3 Dorinne Kondo, About Face: Performing Race in Fashion and Theater, New York and London: Routledge, 1997, 57. 4 Ihab Hassan, Between the ... 20 Yuniya Kawamura, The Japanese Revolution in Paris Fashion, Oxford and New York: Berg, 2004.

  • The End of Fashion: Clothing and Dress in the Age of Globalization

    This book is the first to fully explore the causes and implications of this shift, examining the impact of technological innovation, globalization, and the growth of the internet.