Books written by Lorna Fox O'Mahony

  • Great Debates in Property Law

    Hounslow LBC v Powell [2011] 2 WLR 287 148, 154, 156, 157, 199, 229 Hunter v Canary Wharf [1997] AC 655 140 Hypo-Mortgage Services Ltd v Robinson [1997] 2 FLR 71 101 In re North East Property Buyers Litigation [2010] EWHC 2991 (Ch) 33, ...

  • Great Debates in Land Law

    Seckham (1879) 11 ChD 79046 Anderson Antiques v. Anderson Wharf [2007] EWHC 2086 (Ch) 243 Antoniades v. Villiers [1990] 1 AC 41772–3, 79–80 Ashburn ... Lloyd [2012] EWCA Civ 969 165 Bolton v. Buckenham (1891) 1 QB 278 213 Boustany v.

  • Great Debates in Property Law

    F. Gray, 'Owner Occupation and Social Relations', in S. Merrett, Owner Occupation in Britain (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982) ch. 5. J. Barlow and S. Duncan, 'The Use and Abuse of Housing Tenure' (1988) 3(4) Housing Studies 219, 220.

  • Great Debates in Land Law

    For discussion, see N. Rose, 'Government and control', (2000) 40(3) British Journal of Criminology 321; D. Garland, The Culture of Control (OUP, 2001); L. Hancock and G. Mooney, '“Welfare ghettos” and the “broken society”: Territorial ...

  • Great Debates in Land Law

    62 P. Hensher, 'Please Keep Out of Gay Bars and Clubs', The Independent, 25 June 2002. 63 I. Herbert, 'Are Hen Nights to Blame for Hard Times in Manchester's Gay Village?' The Independent, 11 February 2006.

  • Great Debates in Land Law

    The text features summaries of the views of notable experts on key topics and each chapter ends with a list of guided further reading.

  • Unconscionability in European Private Financial Transactions: Protecting the Vulnerable

    The uncommon core Whilst, at a basic level of abstraction common elements of unconscion- ability can berecognised in all legal systems, thecoherence of this picture of commonality becomes fragmented the higher the level of abstraction.

  • Home Equity and Ageing Owners: Between Risk and Regulation

    The sharpening influence of the 'meta-norm' of rationality, and its implications for the legal subject of property law transactions, are also challenged by the insights of behavioural science on rational choice theory. Behavioural ...

  • Great Debates in Property Law

    An engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on property law, designed to provide the additional insights necessary to excel in the study of the subject.

  • Home Equity and Ageing Owners: Between Risk and Regulation

    In Attitudes to Inheritance in Britain, a Joseph Rowntree study published in July 2005 which explored the significance of homeownership on attitudes towards bequeathing and inheriting assets,198 it was reported that while inheritance ...

  • Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies

    In Attitudes to Inheritance in Britain, a Joseph Rowntree study published in July 2005 which explored the significance of home ownership on attitudes towards bequeathing and inheriting assets,97 it emerged that while inheritance plays ...

  • Squatting and the State: Resilient Property in an Age of Crisis

    challenges reclaiming property from squatters, 144, 145 Civil Code, 114–17, 118, 278 compared to United States, ... 139, 365, 369 state responses to squatting criminal justice/law-and-order responses, 344 property/private law responses, ...

  • Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?

    To the extent that section 144 has criminalised those who find and take a vacant roof over their heads, it seems at odds with the law's response to such circumstances through the law of property. The law of adverse possession has for ...

  • Moral Rhetoric and the Criminalisation of Squatting: Vulnerable Demons?

    This collection of critical essays considers the criminalisation of squatting from a range of different theoretical, policy and practice perspectives.

  • Great Debates in Land Law

    David Cowan, Lorna Fox O'Mahony, Neil Cobb. European Convention on Human Rights (given effect in Schedule 1, Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA)); the latter concerns Article 1, First Protocol, ECHR (1998 Act, schedule 1 (A1P1)). As regards the ...

  • The Idea of Home in Law: Displacement and Dispossession

    The collection considers the ideas concerning home - both in the sense of the dwelling place as a special type of property, and territorial claims to homeland - which underpin many contemporary legal problems, by examining a range of ...